Items for Sale - Jefferson Davis, 5¢ Green Lithograph

I rarely identify Stones because they must be plated to accurately determine and that can be very time consuming.

4991 4991

CSA 1, 5¢ green tied on small piece of folded letter by partial cancel of [CHAR]LESTON / [S.]C. / [JA]N cds - probably 1862, light vertical pre-use crease. $100

5644 5644

CSA 1, 5¢ green tied MADISON / Ga. // FEB/24 (1862) cds on small piece, 4 nice margins, SCV $175. $180.

5818 5818

CSA 1, 5¢ green bottom sheet margin usual with Dec 13, 1862, Charleston, SC double circle cancel, small tear at right, SCV $175+  $130

5820 5820

CSA 1, 5¢ green showing part of adjacent stamp at left, faint pressed out crease, Extremely Fine, SCV $175+ 

6841 6841

CSA 1c, 5¢ olive green, (not plated but likely Stone A-B) pair used with early YORKTOWN 1861 cds, right stamp with light crease and edge fraying, SCV $450. $250.

7960 7960

CSA 1, 5¢ green used with GEORGE(TOWN / S.C.) FEB / 24 cds, small thin  $110.

8386 8386

CSA 1, 5¢ green right sheet margin, Stone 1 tied neat bold MOBILE / ALA // FEB / 20 / 1862 dc on small piece, SCV $200, Fine. $120.

8730 8730

CSA 1c, 5¢ olive green tied on piece by WILMINGTON  N.C. / PAID 5 // 23 / JAN [1862] cds paid made from altered pre-war 3¢ handstamp, SCV $250. Pretty. $180

8987 8987

CSA 1, 5¢ green pair tied RICHMOND / Va. // OCT / 22 / 1861  cds – SCARCE FIRST MONTH CANCEL. Not plated yet, but scarce early pair used on piece so either Stone 1 or Stone AB, Stone 1 SCV $515+. $450.

9821 9821

CSA 1, 5¢ green tied RICHMOND / Va. // MAY / 31 / 1862 cds on piece, SCV $175. $100

10152 10152

CSA 1, 5¢ green tied neat RICHMOND / Va. // NOV / 26 / 1861 cds on piece, Early use, SCV $175.  $110.

12854 12854

CSA 1, 5¢ green, tied on small piece with double strike of bold New Orleans, La. circular date stamp, SCV $175. $150.

12856 12856

CSA 1, 5¢ green pair used with neat Orange C. H., Va. circular datestamp, SCV $425.  $180.

12931 12931

CSA 1, 5¢ bright green with colorless line under ST of STATES, used with blue grid, couple creases. $200.

12935 12935

CSA 1-1, 5¢ green used with two blue double circle postmarks of different dates just before the rate change to 10¢ - CHARLOTTESVILLE / VA // JUN 29 and another JUN 30, 1862, small faults, part of album page adhering to back, 2005 CSA Certificate 04693. $150.

13368 13368

CSA 1, 5¢ green pair tied on small piece by neat RICHMOND / VḀ // NOV / 26 / 1861 cds, small faults at top, SCV $425. $150

16061 16061

CSA 1, 5¢ green, used with unidentified town cancel, part of which is Y SPRINGS / MAR (Holly Springs, Miss), ample to huge margins, bit of gum staining, Very Fine, Ex Cox. $125.

16907 16907

CSA 1, 5¢ green, tied on small piece by ORANGE SMITHFIELD / Va. Feb 11 CDS, UNLISTED IN ORANGE in Scott but well known, Rare, Ex-Hall 1925 sale by C.J. Phillips. Scuff caused by hinge pull on back of piece creates the illusion of a stamp thin, but stamp is sound, 2008 CSA Certificate 05249. $425.

18025 18025

CSA 1, 5¢ bright green tied on small piece by bold CORINTH / Miss. // FEB / 21 double-rim circle postmark, vertical pre-use crease, SCV $200+ $100.

12666 12666

CSA 1-1-v7, 5¢ green Stone 1 top sheet margin with CSA Catalog listed dramatic transient white spot, tied on piece with neat clear RICHMOND / Va. // Jun / 17 / 1862 cds, CCV $325. $300.


CSA 1c, 5¢ olive green tied on piece with neat blue NORFOLK / Va. // FEB / 27 / 1862 cds. SCV $260. $160.


CSA 1-1, 5¢ green, Stone 1, position 30, used with neat MOBILE / ALA // MAY / 2 / 1862 double circle cds, Very Fine, SCV $200. $200.

20187 20187

CSA 1, 5¢ bright green tied by blue PORTSMOUTH / VA. // JAN 1862 CDS on piece. $200.

20188 20188

CSA 1b, 5¢ dark green tied on piece by neat CDS of Carolina City / N.C. // Feb/ Paid 5. CDS. $250.

20189 20189

CSA 1, 5¢ green used with unidentified Geo. postmark, 4 margins, Very Fine+. $200.

20381 20381

CSA 1a, 5¢ light green bottom sheet margin used with manuscript cancel, Extremely Fine. $75.

20383 20383

CSA 1, 5¢ green with TRANSIENT PRINTING SCRATCH completely across bottom, used on close-cut piece with unidentified Georgia postmark. Such printing scratches are most often found on CSA 4, 5¢ blue, Stone 3, according to respected lithograph student Leonard H. Hartmann. This is unusual. $300.

20539 20539

CSA 1, 5¢ green used with blue NORFOLK VA double-circle datestamp, Very Fine. SCV $185. Ex Ralph Swap. $190.


CSA 1, 5¢ green vertical pair with short transfer along right side, tied RICHMOND Va. CDS on piece of gray and white wallpaper with address panel to Miss Sallie A. Lampton, Earlysville Albemarle (Virginia) which gives the appearance of being a tiny cover. $500.


CSA 1, 5¢ green used with very light CDS, Very Fine. $200.


CSA 1, 5¢ green, used, small faults, double strike of MOBILE ALA JAN 19 double-circle postmark. $60. 


CSA 1c, 5¢ olive green, used with heavy grid, small faults. $60.


CSA 1, 5¢ bright green, used with bold 7-bar enclosed grid, 4 nice even margins, small hinge thin, couple owner backstamps, Ex Cox, Very Fine appearance. $95.


CSA 1-1, 5¢ green, Stone 1, plate position 21, used with light town postmark, faint stains otherwise Very Fine, SCV $200. $125.


CSA 1-AB, 5¢ green, used with Dec 3 New Orleans CDS, Very Fine, SCV $200. $200.



CSA 1, 5¢ green, used with light grid, Very Fine. $200.


CSA 1-AB, 5¢ green, used with blue target, 2 enormous margins at top and bottom, including part of adjacent stamp at top. $150.


CSA 1, 5¢ green, used with FACE-FREE postmark, Very Fine. $225.


CSA 1c, 5¢ olive green used with neatly struck COLUMBIA TEN double-circle postmark, Very Fine. $200. 


CSA 1-1, 5¢ green, Stone 1 bottom margin single showing SHORT TRANSFER in lower left scroll, ample to huge margins, canceled RICHMOND VA, horizontal crease at top. VF-XF appearance. $170.


CSA 1, 5¢ green used with neat FACE-FREE postmark, slightest natural paper wrinkle. $100.
