4175 |
FARMVILLE / Va. // OCT / 17 cds and handstamped PAID with 5 in manuscript. This is the Dietz type II "PAID" and not listed with the 5¢ rate; to "Capt. William A. Perkins Cumberland Troop, Yorktown, Va." on small ladies envelope; under the back flap is written "Write as soon as you get this. I am so anxious about you." |
$150 |
1259 |
PORTSMOUTH / VA. // AUG / 6 / 1861 / 10 PAID integral rated handstamped paid cover to Georgia. Also small manuscript Pd. 10. Dietz type III. |
$135 |
4549 |
PETERSBURG / VA. // FEB / 14 blue cds with UNLISTED matching handstamped PAID 5 on homemade cover to "Mrs. E. A. Preot, Care of A. Preot, Esq., Farmville, Va." This was Mrs. Eduard Arnaud Preot. Preot was born in Lille, France, emigrated to the U.S. and served on faculty of several female colleges. He was more illustrious in death than in life. In 1873 a keg of Preot's beer exploded in his face and killed him. Complete and interesting biography with likeness accompanies. |
$120 |
6648 |
"Belfast Mills, Va. Nov. 9.1861 Paid 5", all in manuscript on pristine cover to well-known nurseryman in Staunton, Va., Extremely Fine. Ex Tobias |
$180 |
6652 |
"Cascade, Va. Dec. 12th [1861], Paid 5", all in manuscript, docketed “Mrs. A E. Thornton 10 Dec 1861” on cover to “C. Y. Thomas, Esq., Richmond, Va.” . C. Y. Thomas was a man of more than ordinary distinction in Virginia, an attorney of ability who served in the Virginia senate before the War and struggled in vain against secession. Despite this, he held the office of commonwealth attorney during the War and was appointed by the Confederacy to distribute supplies to the needy families of Confederate soldiers. Flap opening tear. Scarce town, Ex Tobias |
$190 |
6651 |
Breckenridge Va Feb 20 Paid 5 John F. Padigo 18th Feb 1862 (Postmaster at the time), addressed to “C. Y. Thomas, Esq., Richmond, Va.” . C. Y. Thomas was a man of more than ordinary distinction in Virginia, an attorney of ability who served in the Virginia senate before the War and struggled in vain against secession. Despite this, he held the office of commonwealth attorney during the War and was appointed by the Confederacy to distribute supplies to the needy families of Confederate soldiers. A number of covers from this correspondence are known sent to Thomas by illegal postmaster free frank from various different towns. Flap opening tear. Scarce town, Ex Tobias |
$200 |
6658 |
Leatherwood Va Feb 14 [1862] Paid 5 to to “C. Y. Thomas, Esq., Richmond, Va.” C. Y. Thomas was a man of more than ordinary distinction in Virginia, an attorney of ability who served in the Virginia senate before the War and struggled in vain against secession. Despite this, he held the office of commonwealth attorney during the War and was appointed by the Confederacy to distribute supplies to the needy families of Confederate soldiers. Valentine’s Day posting and docketing of contents: “Geo W. Bell, 13th Feb 1862”. Usual flap opening tear characteristic of this correspondence, cover staining, chip out of top right of cover face, Ex Tobias. |
$140 |
6660 |
Mossingford, Va. Decr 18 (1861) Paid 5, all in manuscript on folded business and personal letter to “Mr. William Gray, Richmond, Va.” from his nephew John E. Cook, file folds, Rarity 4 town, Ex Tobias |
$190 |
6665 |
Pleasant Gap Pd 5 Jan 1 [1862], all in manuscript on blue folded letter from William Walton to “William Orender Esq, Fulton Post Office, Surry County, North Carolina” re hiring of his “boys” and difficulty collecting debts, very fragile with splits at folds reinforced with hinges, Scarce town, ex Tobias. |
$190 |
6669 |
"Ty(e) R(iver) W(are)house Aug 21 1861 Pd 5" all in manuscript on pristine homemade cover addressed to “Dr. Arthur Lee Brent, Bremo Bluff PO, Fluvanna, Va”; soldier records show Arthur Lee Brent as a 40 year-old physician who enlisted on June 6, 1861 as a captain into 1st Co Virginia Fluvanna 1st Light Artillery. He resigned only weeks later. Of note is that he was married to Sallie Cocke, the daughter of Gen. John Hartwell Cocke. Rarity 6 town; Ex Tobias. |
$190 |
6796 |
"Plantersville, Va. 30 July, 62 Pd 10" , all in manuscript on small homemade cover to “Mr. E. J. Gregory, Richmond, Virginia Co A 46th Reg Va Vols Wise’s Brigade”; soldier and regimental history included. Edward J. Gregory enlisted as a private and rose to 1st Lieut by 1863. In 1862 he was listed for postal clerkship, variously sick with dysentery 1863, surgery 1864 and then wounded at Petersburg July 30, 1864 at the Battle of the Crater which cost the Union around 3,793 killed, wounded, and captured, while the Confederates incurred around 1,500. Surrendered at Appomattox April 9, 1865. Ex Tobias. |
$225 |
6780 |
"Nelly’s Ford (Va) April 4th / 63 Paid 10" all in manuscript on cover to “Franklin Davis Esq, Staunton Nurseries, Staunton, Augusta Co., Va.”, ex Tobias |
$180 |
7049 |
RICHMOND / Va. // FEB. 5, 1862 cds with matching PAID 2 handstamp on locally addressed cover, ms. note on back "W.G. Sikes 2nd Geo. hospital Feb 5th 1862", letter gives an account of his illness and begs Mr. Stephens to procure for him a furlough for 30 days, Very Fine and interesting drop rate use, top back flap missing, ex Howard Green and Erin Gunter |
$900 |
7146 |
“Cascade, Va Feby the 27th [1862] Paid 5”, all in manuscript on cover to “C.Y. Thomas Esq., Richmond, Va.”, part of top back flap missing. Thomas was a man of more than ordinary distinction in Virginia, an attorney of ability who served in the Virginia senate before the War and struggled in vain against secession. Despite this, he held the office of commonwealth attorney during the War and was appointed by the Confederacy to distribute supplies to the needy families of Confederate soldiers. |
$190 |
c1136 |
NORFOLK / VA // JUL / 9 / 1861 blue dc cancel with matching encircled PAID and 10 on small cover to “Miss Fanny Carry, Oglethorpe, Ga.”, reduced a bit at left otherwise Very Fine |
$120 |
8375 |
“Lowry, Va. Dec 24th // 61 Paid 5” manuscript cancel on fresh homemade cover to “John F. Baugh, Esq, Merchants Bank, Lynchburgh, Va.”, the illustrating copy in the Virginia Postal History Society Catalog. Said by a prior owner to be the only recorded marking for this town before or during the Civil War, which I have not confirmed. Scarce Bedford County town. $200. |
$200 |
8498 |
NORFOLK / Va. // SEP / 21 / 1861 blue cds with matching handstamped PAID 10 on small fresh narrow commercially made cover to “Miss E. J. Goelet, Demopolis, Ala.”, Very Fine, ex Kaplan $200. |
$200 |
8817 |
[Petersburg, Virginia] blue straightline PAID and red crayon “2” drop rate on cavalry soldier’s letter to “Miss Agnes Lyon Care of Maj D. Lyon, Petersburg, Va”. Unevenly opened at right. Letter is from Thomas Boisseau Booth, who was a 21 year-old farmer and 1860 graduate of VMI when he enlisted in Co. I 3rd Virginia Cavalry. He was a courier for Gen. Semmes and wounded 5-9-62 in the retreat up peninsula. Scarce drop rate and excellent letter contents. $600. Long soldier’s letter of 8 pages headed “Cavalry Camp September 8th, 1861” – full typed transcription accompanies. Some rather amusing contents, to wit, “A man from Prince George by the name of L. L. Lee and about half crocked came to our camp just before the burning of Hampton. Stayed with us about two days and went off somewhere I know not where. To my surprise as we passed Bethel on our way to Hampton who should I see but Mr. Lee. He followed us down and while we were down there he got off some way or other and went towards Old Point where he was taken and carried to the Rip Raps as a prisoner. None of us knew he had gone there until a few days ago he came to out camp and told us he was just from Fortress Monroe. Upon being asked how he managed to get away he said he preached, wrote and talked to them so often and so much they had to turn him out to get rid of him. He says he has nearly converted Old Wool and he thinks a few more visits down there will convert him and he will come to General Magruder and ask his pardon for the sin he has committed in taking up arms against him. And finally he says he has made the Yankees open their eyes by telling them God is against them and he will fight our battles for us. I think they have had evidence enough of this already.” |
$600 |
8054 |
WYTHEVILLE / VA dateless double circle cancel, two strikes at upper left with third ghost strike, matching double strike of PAID handstamped on fresh cover addressed in peacock blue ink to Mrs. Sophia Buchanan, Rural Retreat, Wyth[e] Co Va, 1989 CSA certificate #01844 as handstamped paid (no doubt submitted as potential provisional), Very Fine and unusual $250. |
$250 |
14107 |
LEWISBURGH / [WEST] VA. // JAN / 31 bold cds on clean cover to Capt. Asa Holland, Post Master, Halesford, Va., no rate marking, part back flap missing. “Post Master” is underlined in the address, thus this likely a postal matter which would have been free, although not so marked. Capt. Asa Holland was not a Confederate soldier. He was born in 1801. He was a merchant, postmaster, farmer, and plantation owner. His papers are in the Library of Virginia. $200. |
$200 |
12226 |
RICHMOND / Va. // SEP / 26 / 1861 cds with matching PAID 5Cts. (CSA Catalog type F), on small cover (4 ¾” x 2 ¾”) to Genl. Joseph R. Anderson C.S. Army, Wilmington, North Carolina with Chg box 258 at upper left. Ex Brian Green who collected mail to/from Generals. $150. General Joseph Reid Anderson was a graduate of West Point, an engineer, and president of Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond. Much more info on linked page. |
$150 |
18601 |
[PETERSBURG, VA DUE] 10, beautiful strike of black Army of Northern Virginia field cancel (CSA catalog type ANV-20, CCV $200) on cover to William Cavin, Alexander Co. NC, Stony Point PO with soldier’s endorsement From Privet V. S. Cavin, Co. G, 38 Regt NC troops. $ Virgil S. Cavin (1843-1926), of Alexander County N.C., enlisted as a private on 11-23-64 into Company G, NC 38th Infantry (Rocky Face Rangers). He was taken prisoner at Amelia C.H., Va. on April 3, 1865 and confined at Point Lookout; he was released June 26, 1865. Her widow’s claim (Sarah Webster Lackey Cavin) show her illiterate and he clearly had only rudimentary writing skills. William was his father; his mother was Mary or Mira, depending on source cited. |
$150 |
18763 |
PETERSBURG Va. // AUG / 61 blue cds with matching [due] 10 on soldier’s cover to Mrs. W. T. Field, Arnold’s Mills, S.C. endorsed W. T. Field, Co.(K) H. L. (Hampton’s Legion) – S.C. Vols. with contemporary pencil docketing 18th Nov 63 Campbell and Looked over Lenoir Station. Lieutenant in Army of Northern Virginia. Very Fine. $110. |
$110 |
18872 |
RICHMOND / Va. // AUG / 6 / 1861 cds with matching PAID / 5 Cts. on cover to Col. John L. Manning, Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Beauregard, Headquarters Army Potomac, Manassas, Virginia. Docketing up left side as sender being “J. H. Carrier, Gen. B’s groom, Aug 1861.” Shallow nick at top edge and part of top flap missing. EXCELLENT LONG 2-PAGE LETTER signed John H. Carrier “To Governor Manning” saying he is sorry Manning misunderstood him on prior Wednesday and sent him away in disgrace. Says, if only he had been allowed a few words of explanation and an apology to the officers, he doesn’t believe he would have been sent away thus. See easily to read pages in accompanying links which explain Gen. Beauregard offering him a better position as a veterinary surgeon and that he found no fault with Carrier’s conduct. He feels he deserves a better position than that of a mere groom. Ex Wm G Bogg. $250. John Lawrence Manning was a politician who served as the 65th Governor of South Carolina 1852-54. Much more info on linked page with image links of letter. |
$250 |
18994 |
TUDOR HALL / VA // OCT / 26 / 1861 cds with matching [due] 10 (Type F, CCV $150) on cover endorsed “Capt. R. Chapman, Co H. 11th Reg Ala Vols.” to his wife Mrs. Rebecca A Chapman, Livingston, Sumter Co[unty] Ala. Reduced at left. Ex Roger Ballard. $90. |
$90 |
19016 |
TUDOR HALL / VA // NOV / 9 [1861] cds with matching DUE 10 (Type E, CCV $100) on cover endorsed by A.N. Steele, 1st Lt., Co. G, 11th Reg. Ala. Vol. to Mrs. E.C. Steele, North Point, Ala. Slightly reduced at right. Ex Roger Ballard. $110. |
$110 |
19775 |
CULPEPER C.H. / Va. // AUG / ? / 1861 lightly struck CDS with matching PAID 5 (CC type B, CCV $200) on cover to Mrs Wm S. Parran or Mr. Chas F. Graves, Somerset Orange Co. Vira., slightly reduced at top, Ex Matz. $110. William Sellman Parran lengthy bio on linked page. |
$110 |
19926 |
RICHMOND / Va. // JUL / 5 / 1862 bold clear CDS with matching PAID 10 on Confederate stampless cover to Miss Sallie R. Munford, Care of Col. T. T. Munford, Forest Depot, Bedford Cty (Virginia). At top of cover is “Charge Ex Dept. G.W.M.” Ex Benson. $125. George Wythe Munford and Brigadier General Thomas Taylor Munford and Sallie Radford Munford biographical info on linked page. |
$125 |
20072 |
COBHAM / Va. (ms. June 10) on folded letter to J.H. Reid, Esq., Near O.&A.R.R. Co. (Orange & Alexandria Railroad), Charlottesville, Va. Letter is from W.C. Rives at Castle Hill 8 June 1861 in which he asks the favor of “to forward the enclosed letters to Alexandria through any channel that may be known to you as affording the best chance of it reaching its destination.” Alexandria, Virginia, was occupied very early in the war (May 24, 1861) thus RIVES IS ASKING REID TO HAVE THEM SMUGGLED ACROSS THE LINES. The postal markings are “PAID (ms 5)”and manuscript “Due 5,” also a red crayon (due) 5. I believe the Due 5s were applied at Charlottesville as the 5s are in different handwriting. The letter is undoubtedly overweight because it mentions including other letters for posting along with this cover letter. NOT LISTED IN THE CSA CATALOG. Both cover and content of particular interest. $400. William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) was a distinguished minister to France and a member of the Confederate Congress. An enormous amount may easily be found out about him online. His made his home at Castle Hill. |
$400 |
20489 |
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA VA ?24 1861 blue double-circle datestamp with matching PAID 5 (CSA catalog type B, CCV $300) on cover to Miss Mary L. Minor, Care of Dr. Jas W. Pendleton, Tolersville, Louisa Co. Va., Ch(arge) Box 68 at top, part of top back flap missing, Ex Thacker and Swap. $225. |
$225 |
20800 |
“Oak Forest Va 9th January 1865} Paid 10¢” on darling adversity cover fashioned from printed Tax in Kind form, to Miss Fannie Branch, Oakville PO Virginia. Oak Forest is an unincorporated community in Cumberland County with fewer than 80 people. Ex Harrison. $230. |
$230 |
20801 |
HEALING SPRINGS VA SEP 6 circular datestamp with PAID 5 (CC type A, CV $200) on small darling embossed lady’s cover from Bath County to Wm H. Maddox Esq Richmond Va. The post office was established in August 1855; the population in 1900 was 82. Dated heading of letter with contents ripped off is included, ex Kohn and Harrison. $250. |
$250 |
20807 |
“Port Conway Va August 3rd 1861 Paid 5” (King George County) scarce small manuscript postmark from this seaport on the Rappahannock. EARLIEST LISTED DATE in the Virginia Postal History Society Catalog, this is likely the listing copy; on small pink lined laid-paper envelope to Miss Sallie Munford Care Col. G.W. Munford, Richmond, Virginia. Small professional repair at upper left. Ex Harrison. $180. George Wythe Munford bio on linked page.
$180 |
20831 |
KESWICK DEPOT VA 26 JUL [1862] neat CDS with scarce matching lightly struck NEGATIVE 5 (CC type B, CCV $300) on cover to Miss Louisa P. Baxter, Lexington, Va. This negative rate marking is shown in black and white in the CSA catalog, attesting to its scarcity. I do not remember handling another. Ex John Vagnetti. $200. |
$200 |
20832 |
KESWICK DEPOT VA 7 SEP [1861] neat CDS with matching oblong PAID with no rate (CC type A) on cover to Dr. Jno. C, Gordon, Care of Col. Edmunds, 38th Regt. Va. Vols., Bristoe Station, Pr. William Co, Va. Ex John Vagnetti. $200. Dr. John Churchill Gordon served as Asst. Surgeon to the 38th Va. Infantry. Bio on linked page. |
$200 |
20844 |
LEXINGTON Va. JAN 21 (1862) bold neat CDS with a matching blue PAID 5 showing traces of the outer circle on cover to well-known nurseryman Franklin Davis, Esq. Staunton, Augusta Co(unty) Va., bit of staining, particularly on verso. Ex John Vagnetti. $170. The Postmaster at Lexington prepared envelopes with "PAID 5" and "PAID 10" in advance (thus provisionals), applying the dated postmark at the time of mailing, but they are considered provisionals only when unused, under a postally used general issue or mailed from another town. CCV $300 for stampless use (not provisional). Franklin Davis was Virginia's most renowned tree nurseryman. |
$170 |
20837 |
LEESBURG VA OCT 1861 circular datestamp with matching PAID / ms. 5 (CC type A) on cover to Mrs. J.E. Savage, Care N.R. Savage Esq. Richmond, Va; top back flap missing. Ex John Vagnetti. $150. |
$150 |
20877 |
RECTORTOWN STATION VA JUL 24 (1861) CDS, light but clear strike of this rare cancel with UNLISTED manuscript Paid 5 on pristine cover addressed to Mrs. Mary B. Gordon, Care of E. S. Pegram, Esq., Cobham, Albemarle, Va; tiny opening tear at upper left, Very Fine. Too late to be listed in the 2012 CSA Catalog. Ex John Vagnetti. $450. Dr. John Churchill Gordon was appointed Assistant Surgeon to the 38th Virginia Infantry. Bio on linked page plus more info on Rectortown, the center of “Mosby's Confederacy” during the war. |
$450 |
20880 |
US 3¢ star-die entire used with manuscript Spotsylvania CH Va May 7th/61 postmark on the FIRST DAY VIRGINIA WAS A CONFEDERATE STATE. Addressed to Rev. William G. Cross, Alexandria, Virginia, Care of Mr. Geo. Robinson. Small tear at bottom. Ex John Vagnetti. $500. |
$500 |
20884 |
STRASBURG VA CDS with matching handstamped PAID 5 (CC type A, CV $200) on turned cover to Mrs. Bettie A. Childress, Jetersville, Amelia Cty, Va. with mandated soldier’s endorsement From Sergt A. M. Childress Co B. 23rd Regt Va. Vols. Inside use is a cut down legal-size cover with part of Winchester cancellation visible but no postage remaining, addressed to Strasburg. Ex Earl Kaplan and John Vagnetti. $150. Alfred W. Childress enlisted 5-16-61 as a private and was promoted to 2nd Lieu. 4-21-61, hospitalized and sick multiple times; resigned 11-15-62. |
$150 |
20974 |
FAIRFAX C.H. Va. JUL 9 (1861) neat circular datestamp with manuscript Paid 5 on cover to Master John W. Ayton Phoenix P.O. So. Ca. (Edgefield County), light staining and bit of edge wear. Ex John Vagnetti. $90. |
$90 |
20979 |
FAIRFAX C.H. Va. SEP 10 [1861] cds with matching handstamped PAID 5 (ms.) on cover to Mrs. Sarah Barry, Yorkville, South Carolina before her husband, Wm. R. Barry, joined the war effort. CSA Catalog type C, CV $175, slightly reduced at left. Ex John Vagnetti. $150. |
$150 |
20965 |
COBHAM Va. neat cds (ms Oct 9 date) with matching handstamped PAID and manuscript “5” rate on cover to Alfred L. Rives, Esq, Care of James B. Macmurdo, Richmond, Va. (Rives’ father-in-law) with pencil docketing “Ella 8 Oct 1861”; Cobham was an Albemarle County stop on the Virginia Central RailRoad; tiniest insignificant tear at top edge; Ex Thacker and John Vagnetti. $200. Alfred Landon Rives bio on linked page. |
$200 |
20970 |
CULPEPER C.H. Va. 11 AUG [1862] with matching DUE 10 (CC type C) on clean cover to Mrs. J. Tutwiler, Havana, Greene County, Alabama endorsed by “Sgt. H.A. Tutwiler, Signal Corp. Gen. W. E. Jones Cav[alry] Brig[ade], A[rmy of] N[orthern] V[irginia]” Military records show no more than on the cover. Signal Corps covers are scarce and coveted, Ex John Vagnetti. $250. |
$250 |
20997 |
GORDONSVILLE Va. OCT 13 superb CDS with matching DUE 10 (CC type G) on clean cover to Mr. Wm H Read, Palmers Springs, Va. endorsed “From Private R. C. Mabry, Camp K, 6th Va. Regt.”, slightly reduced at right. In early October 1862, the Army of Northern Virginia left the Shenandoah Valley and moved toward the Fredericksburg area. Mail from the scattered moving units was carried by couriers to Gordonsville daily, Ex John Vagnetti. $230. |
$230 |
21006 |
HANOVER C.H. Va. SEP ? [1861] 36mm BALLOON postmark with matching handstamped PAID 5 (ms) on cover to Mrs. Sarah L. Barry, York District, SC, Y U PO before her husband, Wm. R. Barry, joined the war effort. UNLISTED RATE MARKING IN THE CSA CATALOG, which only lists a due marking, slightly reduced at right. Ex John Vagnetti. $275. William Randolph Barry detailed military bio on linked page. |
$275 |
20936 |
ASHLAND Va. MAY 9 (1862), very fine strike of DOUBLE-LINE CIRCLE postmark with manuscript “Due 10” on cover, addressed to William Davenport, Esq. Palmetto, Ga. with mandated endorsement of S.S. Davenport Co. C 35th Regt. Ga. Vols. tiniest bit of reduction at bottom, Very Fine, Ex Hall and Ex John Vagnetti. $250. |
$250 |
20937 |
ASHLAND Va. MAY 8, very fine strike of DOUBLE-LINE CIRCLE postmark with matching PAID (no rate, CC type A) on small commercially-made cover to Mary J Warren Clarksville Va.; flap faults leading to couple tiny tears at top edge of cover. Ex John Vagnetti. $200. |
$200 |
20940 |
“Berrys Ferry Va 27 Nov 1861” manuscript postmark with matching “Paid 5” on part of folded letter (appears to be an adversity use) to Thos A. Blakemore, Front Royal, Warren Co., Va.; Ex Harvey Sheppard and John Vagnetti. $150. |
$150 |
20947 |
BRISTOE STATION VA. JUN 25 boldly struck CDS on neat cover with ms. ‘Paid 5’ to Miss Mumford Care Col. G.W. Mumford Richmond Va.; slightly reduced at right. $170. |
$170 |
20948 |
BRISTOE STATION VA AUG 24 (1861) cds with matching manuscript “Paid 5” on cover to Mrs. Mary B. Gordon, Care of E. S. Pegram, Esq., Cobham Depot, Albemarle, Va. Ex John Vagnetti. $175. Dr. John Churchill Gordon was Assirtant Surgeon to the 38th Va. Infantry. Bio on linked page.
$175 |
20949 |
BRISTOE STATION VA. SEP 4 (1861) cds with ms. Paid 5 on FORWARDED COVER to Mrs. Mary B. Gordon, Care of James B. Gordon, Esq., Bentivoglio PO, Albemarle Va., which has been crossed out and redirected to Cobham, manuscript “Forwarded Paid 5 Bentivoglio Sept 5th.” Ex Vagnetti. $300. Dr. John Churchill Gordon was Assistant Surgeon to the 38th Va. Infantry. Bio on linked page. |
$300 |
20950 |
BRISTOE STATION VA. SEP 6 (1861) cds with ms. Paid 5 on cover addressed to Mrs. W.D. Pender, Salem N.C. by her husband, William Dorsey Pender, then a colonel but soon to be a general officer. His wartime signatures, even an indirect one such as this, are quite scarce since he was only 29 years old when he was killed in action at Gettysburg. $500. |
$500 |
20971 |
CULPEPER C.H. Va. OCT 20 (1862) with matching DUE 1 (CC type C, CV $200 on cover to Mrs. Sallie Taylor, Milton P.O. Alabama; reduced a tad at top and most of top back flap missing. Ex Vagnetti. $125. |
$125 |
20998 |
GORDONSVILLE Va. NOV CDS with matching PAID 5 (CC type B, CV $250) on clean cover to A.R. Blakey Richmond Va.with contents docketing of Isaac N. McMullen Nov 28, 1861. Original letter signed Isaac Newton McMullen saying he has qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. B. Boston and also for guardian of the three children. He states,“There was an objection to my being guardian for the youngest... Consequently I wish to know if I can have the land divided without his having a specified guardian.” There is much more along the same lines. Ex Vagnetti. $225. |
$225 |
20999 |
GORDONSVILLE Va. SEP 21 1862 cds with matching DUE 10 (CSA Catalog type G, CV $200) on fresh cover to Mrs. L. A. Blake, Baileys Mills, Florida, endorsed “From J. C. Blake, Soldier in 5th Fla. Vol.” Postmark cancels a peeled-off pair of typographed stamps, top back flap removed. Likely a REUSED ENVELOPE to his wife, Laura. Ex Wm. A. Fox and John Vagnetti, signed Brian M. Green. Unusual adversity use. $250. Joel C. Blake bio on linked page. |
$250 |
21004 |
GUINEY’S Va. FEB cds with manuscript “due 10” on cover to Miss Mary A. Turner, LaGrange, Troup Co(unty) Va. Endorsed at the top “From private I.H. Turner Co K 44 Ga. Vol.” Ex John Vagnetti. $120. |
$120 |
21005 |
GUINEYS Va. MAR cds, no rate or Paid/Due (one of the ways listed in the CSA catalog) on soldier’s letter with mandated endorsement “From F.J. Williams, Private in Co. K, 37th Regt. N.C.T. (North Carolina Troops)” home to H.J. Williams, Mouth of Wilson, Grayson Co[unty], Va., slightly reduced at right, Very Fine. Ex Vagnetti 150. |
$150 |
20892 |
TUDOR HALL Va. DEC 1861 circular datestamp with matching DUE 10 on cover endorsed From Capt. Douglas Walsworth Comp (II) 16th Regt Mississippi Volunteers to Mrs. Sarah G. Abbott Natchez Mississippi. 3-PAGE SOLDIER’S LETTER (in bold ink, legible and with full typewritten transcription, heavy file repairs with archival tape) headed “16th Regmt Mississippi Volunteers Camp Near Manassas Dec 24th 1861.” Interesting, if sad, content regards unkind remarks made against Mrs. Abbott’s husband and a certificate he is sending her to help set her mind at rest. Ex John Vagnetti. LL $275. |
$275 |
21679 |
RICHMOND Va. SEP 16 1862 (type 3f) with matching DUE 10 (type Q) on fresh soldier’s cover to Mrs. L. S. Hill Edgefield CH SC Care of Maj. Hughes with endorsement of Lt. Hill, Co. A. 22nd Regt SCV. Very Fine. Ex Harry Muldrow. $130. |
$130 |
21680 |
RICHMOND Va. OCT 17 1862 (type 3g with broke O of OCT, only used that month) with matching DUE 10 (type Q) on soldier’s cover to Delilah S Jessup Meadows of dan PO Patrick County Va By lynchburg, endorsed by Elijah S. Jessup privet in Co D 12 Va Redgment. On the top back flap is written Camp lee October the 16th 1862. Military record enclosed. Ex Harry Muldrow. $75. |
$75 |
21681 |
RICHMOND Va. NOV 12 1862 (type 3f) with matching DUE 10 (type Q) on soldier’s cover to Mrs. John White, Cahaba Alawith endorsement of John White AQM 5th Ala Reg. Slightly reduced at left. Ex Harry Muldrow. $95. |
$95 |
21682 |
RICHMOND Va. NOV 29 1862 (type 3e) with matching DUE 10 (type Q) on soldier’s cover to Mrs. Duncan G. Campbell Care of Hon. John A. Campbell Richmond Va., endorsed by D. G. Campbell, Lieut. Eng. Corps CSA. Overpaid Drop letter, likely due to another solider hand-carrying it from the field by another soldier and dropping it in the mail system in Richmond – a fairly common occurrence. Ex Harry Muldrow. $110. |
$110 |
21683 |
RICHMOND VA dateless blue CDS (type 6f) with matching DUE 10 (type Q) on soldier’s cover to Mrs. Elizabeth C. Rife, Jennings Gap Augusta Va. with endorsement of Wm H Dunlap Co F 5th Va Intry. Slightly reduced at right into CDS and stain at upper left. Normally Richmond postal markings are black, but the type F is known to have been used with the scarcer blue ink on two occasions: May 16-29, 1863, and June 1-3, 1863. It appears only on soldiers’ mail. Ex Harry Muldrow. $75. |
$75 |
21684 |
RICHMOND VA dateless blue CDS (type 6f) with matching DUE 10 (type Q) on soldier’s cover to J.B. Goodwin Rogers Wake Co. Store N.C. with endorsement of J.C. Goodwin Co. D 30th Regt. N.C. Troops (Gen. G. B. Anderson’s, Ramseur’s, and Cox’s Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia). Slightly reduced at right with rounded upper right corner. Ex Harry Muldrow. $85. |
$85 |