Stampless Covers - Florida
11630 11630

PENSACOLA / Fla // AUG / 21 cds with matching handstamped PAID in circle and ms “10” rate on somewhat soiled cover to Mrs. E. A. Ford, Tuskeegee, Ala., small sealed tear at top right. Scarce town / rate. Said to be only 3 recorded to which I cannot attest; none the less scarce, Ex Hall. $350.

15168 15168

TALLAHASSEE / FLA // FEB / 6 cds with matching PAID 10, CSA Catalog type C with CV $350, on stampless cover to C. H. Gingles Esq. Fort Deposit, Alabama. Gingles was a slave owner. $350.

17715 17715

LAKE CITY / FLA // FEB / 19 cds with matching DUE 10 (CSA Catalog type F, CCV $350) to Mrs. Mattie A. Inglet, Berzelia, Georgia, with endorsement at lower left “From Sergt. T. W. G. Inglet, Co. C, 28th Ga. Regt.” Bit soiled. $220.

Thomas W. G. Inglet - detailed information on the linked page..

18962 18962

TALLAHASSEE / Fla. lightly struck CDS with matching PAID 10 (type C, CCV $350) on cover to C.H. Gingles Esq., Fort Deposit, Ala. Ex Roger Ballard. $200.

18974 18974

LAKE CITY / FLA. // MAR / 17 cds with matching DUE 10 (Type F, CCV $350) on cover (tiny UR corner restoration) to Mrs. Eva J. Ashford, Salem P.O. Rupee Coty, Alabama with mandated endorsement of Private J. Y. Ashford, Bonaud’s Battalion, Siege Artillery, Co. B. (Georgia Volunteers). Ex Roger Ballard. $200.

Detailed information on Major A. Bonaud’s 28th Battalion, Georgia Siege Artillery, Auguste Bonaud (born in Marseilles, France.) and James Y. Ashford (hospital steward) is found on the linked page.

19177 19177

MADISON / FLO CDS with ms. Mar 5 [1862] date and matching ms. Paid 10 with additional Paid to Mrs. Borland Care of Carroll Hoy & Co., New Orleans, Louisiana, in the hand of postmaster Samuel Perry responsible for producing the Madison provisionals. Fresh, slightly reduced at right, tiny corner repair at upper left. CCV $500. Ex Briggs and illustrated in his Florida book, p. 138. $300. 

19179 19179

QUINCY / Flor. // APR / 27 cds with matching PAID 10 (listing copy of type C, CV $500) on cover to Mrs. Emily Suber, Gandys PO, Thomas Co[unty] Ga, (near Thomasville), Earliest of the four recorded uses. Ex Oxer, Hart and Briggs. $425.

19427 19427

WARRINGTON / Fla. CDS with matching PAID 5 (CC type B) on fresh cover to Mrs. J. D. Alison, Care of Capt. R. S. Hatcher, Cahaba, Ala. Robert S. Hatcher was a millionaire planter and “merchant prince” in Cahaba, which was at the zenith of its prosperity at the outbreak of the war in 1861. $200.

19506 19506

WARRINGTON / Fla. // NOV / 10 [1861] with matching bold PAID 5 (CSA catalog type B, CV $250) on stampless cover to Mrs. J. D. Alison, Care of Capt. R.S. Hatcher, Cahaba, Alabama, slightly reduced at top. $180.

Capt. Robert S. Hatcher served as a 2nd lieutenant in Co. H., La. 19th Infantry.

20178 20178

LAKE CITY / FL // MA- (could be March or May) with matching DUE 10 (type F, CV $350) on cover addressed to W.H. Felker, Charleston S.C. Co E, 18th Regt S.C. Vol. Miles H. Ferguson was captain of the company which was in Evan’s Brigade, Department of SC, Ga, and Fla. The company moved to Florida beginning September 7, 1863, from their post defending Charleston Harbor. Mrs. Felker sent her husband a letter to Charleston, but the company had already moved to Florida. On the verso is a penned note, “Respectfully returned, W.H.F. being off at hospital. M.H. Ferguson, Capt. Co E 18th S.C. Vol.” and the letter was returned to Mrs. Felker in Glenn Springs, So.Ca., via Hebron, as noted in lower corner. The original mailing from Mrs. Felker was franked with a stamp, removed from the cover and with a portion of a CDS visible in lower corner, possibly Cleveland, S.C., where they lived out their last years. Also with the manuscript notation “unpaid” at cover edge. A fascinating use. $350. 

Wiley H. Felker was a NURSE in Company E, 18th Regiment S.C. Volunteers, Evan’s Brigade, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Bio on thumbnail-linked page.

20179 20179

WARRINGTON / Fla. // SEP 1861 cds with matching PAID 5 (type B, CV $250), manuscript “Pd 5 / W.S.C.” -  the initials of Lt. William S. Chapman who is writing to his wife, Mrs. Kate L. Chapman, Talladega, Ala. Slightly reduced at top with part of back flap missing. $200.

William Smith Chapman served in Co. D, 1st Ala. Infantry and had later service as captain of Co. G, 31st Ala. InfantryBio on thumbnail-linked page.

20485 20485

PENSACOLA Fla. JUN 27 circular datestamp with two strikes of encircled 5 and a straightline PAID on cover to Charles H. Barland, Port Gibson, Claborn (Claiborne) Co. Mississippi. At left end is penned “Mississippi Troops.” This is either a completely new listing or, more likely, it could be CSA catalog type F which is a tracing. Either way, since it is struck twice, it is UNLISTED. Ex Frank Hart and Ralph Swap. $750.

Charles H. Barland was a cotton planter in Claiborne and Jefferson counties in Mississippi. Biography on linked page.

20486 20486

PENSACOLA Fla. JUL 31 circular datestamp with PAID 5 (CSA catalog type D, CCV $350) on cover to Edward S. Stickney, Marion, Alabama. Ex Frank Hart and Ralph Swap. $250.


LAKE CITY FLA. FEB 25 circular datestamp with matching DUE 10 (CC type F, CV $350) on cover to Mrs. Mattie A. Inglett, Berzelia Georgia. $200.


JACKSONVILLE Flor. AUG 1 (1861), 34 mm CDS with two strikes matching straight line PAID with "5" rate handstamp (CC type A, CV $1,000) on cover to Mess. Mitts & Beach, Merchants, Charleston, South Carolina, cover endorsed "B.F. Carr," who purportedly was the postmaster, Very Fine. Ex Oswald. $800.

New 02-06-25

FLEMINGTON FLA. DEC 26, 1864, cds with ms. "26" day and matching PAID 10 (type A, CCV $750) on cover to Mr. Y. Bleckley, Anderson C.H., S.C.; cover flaws and flap mostly missing, clear markings, THE LISTING COPY, ex Kohn and Briggs. $450.

New 02-06-25

LAKE CITY FLA APR 14, circular datestamp with matching DUE 10 (type F, CCV $350) handstamp on soldier's cover endorsed D.B. Harris, Col. of Engineers addressed by him to his wife at Thomson's X Roads Louisa County Virginia; no flap and reduced slightly at top, ex Malpass and Briggs. $225. 

Col. David Bullock Harris was a prominent engineer in the Confederate States Army. Bio on linked page.

New 02-06-25

MARIANA FLA OCT 20 circular datestamp with matching DUE 10 (type D, CCV $500) on outer folded lettersheet to Hugh A. Cooley Esq Tallahassee Florida. Ex Oxer. $300.

New 02-06-25

“Middleburg F Aug 29/62” manuscript postmark with matching “P/10” (CSA catalog listed with CV of $500) on small commercially made cover to Capt John Relhard (?) near Jacksonvill(e) Camp; slight edge erosion at bottom which could be trimmed off if so inclined. Scarce town. $250.

New 02-06-25

PENSACOLA Fla SEP 2 (1861) circular datestamp with matching PAID 5 (type E, CCV $350) with additional manuscript “Pd 5c” on neat commercially made cover to Mrs. E. T. Hoopes, Port Gibson, Claiborne Co. Miss. with endorsement up left side “Miss(issippi) Troops.” Ex Weill Brothers and Briggs. $350. 

E.B. Hoopes served in the 9th Mississippi Infantry. Brief bio on linked page.

New 02-06-25

TALLAHASSEE FLA MAR 11 cds with matching PAID straightline and ms. "10" (type A, CCV $250) on 1862 cover to Mrs. Anna Humes Care of Rev. Mr. Humes, Knoxville Tenn., "Charge 91" box notation top right, Mar. 8th 1862 dated enclosed letter with some excellent war content "…We are anxious about our dear Frank, who is in the Second Florida Regt. near Yorktown. I hear this morning that they have been ordered to Newport News - every part of our poor County seems to be exposed to an immediate attack on our Coast has been invaded Pensacola is given up & Fernandina, & Jacksonville it is thought will be the last evacuated…many families are leaving to go to the middle of Georgia & to S. Carolina…" Letter is from her cousin H.L. Baltzell. Click here to see letter pages 2-3. Click here to see letter pages 4. $250.
