Stampless Covers - Arkansas
1310 1310

VAN BUREN / ARK // OCT / 26 (1861) bold clear cds with matching PAID handstamp and ms. "10", on neat cover to "Rev. A. J. Leavenworth, Petersburg, Virginia". Rev. Abner Johnson Leavenworth (1803-1869) was a Presbyterian clergyman and teacher, president of Leavenworth Female College in Petersburg. Enclosure was from Frederick Peabody Leavenworth, b. 1833. Rare markings on a lovely cover; slightly reduced at left, Ex Agre

4627 4627

CLARKSVILLE / ARK light cds and manuscript "Paid 10" on folded letter to "Maj. Jno D. Adams, Chief Qt Master, Little Rock, Arkansas" headed "Clarksville Ark Sept 27th 1862" saying that writer Wm I. Floyd has succeeded in settling the debt due B.F. Johnson against Col. Hardicke. Too many J. Adams to determine exact soldier.

1309 1309

SEARCY / ARK // SEPT 22 (1862) handstamped PAID 10 (encircled) on small neat folded legal document re probate matters addressed to “Hon. Judg(e)(John) Hutches, West Point, Ark." Wonderful rare bold neat markings, Dietz type Ib.

c1110 c1110

VAN BUREN / ARK // FEB / 5 (1862) on pristine cover to “Dr. John H. Weller, Brinkleyville, Halifax Co., N.C.” docketed as being from Jessee Turner, Arkansas with original business contents requesting Scuppernong grapes, back flap missing and couple small edge tears at right.

c1111 c1111

SEARCY / ARK // AUG / cds with matching handstamped PAID and encircled “10” on fresh green lined commercially made cover to “Mrs. E. T. Hall, Knoxville, E. Tennessee”, slightly reduced at top with no top back flap but Superb strikes of this scarce town.

c1112 c1112

HELENA / ARK // JAN / 11 / 1862 double circle cancel with matching handstamped PAID and manuscript “10” rate on lemon cover to “Mssrs Carroll Hoy & Co., New Orleans, La.”, usual pin holes, bit of stain at upper left corner into cancel otherwise Fine, Ex Kohn. 

c1323 c1323

HELENA / ARK // SEP /14 / 1861 bold strike of double-circle with matching PAID handstamp and ms."10" on cover to “Mssrs. Carroll Hoy & Co., New Orleans, La.” with usual filing holes and some age spots, Scarce, Ex Boshwit$400.

c1324 c1324

VAN BUREN / ARK // OCT / 4 (1861) cds with matching PAID handstamp and ms. "5" on cover to Hillsborough Ark., some wear incl. water staining, small repair at top left corner and tear affects marking, still Fine and Scarce, Ex Boshwit  $300.

13142 13142

FORT SMITH / ARK // 11 / SEP / 1861 cds with matching oblong PAID handstamp and manuscript "5" rating to the State Land Agent at Clarksville Ark.; cover affixed to heavy backing paper for preservation, Fine.  $400.

13143 13143

HELENA / ARK // AUG / 5 / 1861 cds with matching handstamped PAID and 5 ratings on folded letter to Mrs. Jane C. Anderson, Senatoba, Mississippi, fold separations / paper loss reinforced with archival tape. Ex Lemley and Kohn. [AR] [MS] From newly enlisted soldier to his wife saying “we are making up a company…I will throw in my mite…I knew the dye would be caste for…war.”  There are a number of John Andersons listed from Arkansas. More in-depth research might uncover which this is.  $350.

13144 13144

HELENA / ARK // AUG / 10 / 1861 cds with matching handstamped PAID and 5 ratings on cover to Messrs Carroll Hoy & Co, New Orleans, La; side flap tear, Very Fine.  $400.

12885 12885

HILLSBORO / ARK // APR / 23 [1862] cds with matching PAID 5, CSA Catalog type A (CCV $600) – perfect strikes - on folded letter from Joshua P. Adams to William Dumas, Fort Pillow Care of Capt Williams 14 Arks Redgment (sic) Arkansas Volunteers. William H. Dumas had service in both Co. E, 3rd Arkansas Infantry and Co. C, 2nd Arkansas Infantry Battalion. 3-page letter in dark ink with creative spelling and grammar says, in part, “…taken all the men hear (sic) from 18 to 35 but I cant go yet but when I can I will cum to yo par says that he is going to sind me of to the armey in two months and then I will cum to you…” Adams was a student at the Hillsboro Academy. Detailed history of 14th Arkansas included.$700.

14087 14087

LITTLE ROCK / ARK // 1861 double circle datestamp with matching 5 PAID, CSA Catalog type B, on legal-size cover to W. M. Steel Esq, Jacksonport, Ark’s with contents docketing up left side “in reference to Lands in T8NR2E”; slightly reduced at top and ends, CCV $500. $250.

14088 14088

“Osceola Ark /July 29 [1861]” with manuscript “Paid 5¢” rate on cover to "Capt. Elliot Fletcher, Jr., Company O, Fletcher Rifles, Hindman's Legion, Pocahontas, Ark."; some water staining. Quite scarce Arkansas use. Many of the Civil War Fletcher letters were published by the Pulaski County Historical Society in 1963 and may be found online. Capt. Elliott Fletcher, Jr., commanded the "Fletcher Rifles," a volunteer company organized at Mill Bayou, in Mississippi County, on July 4, 1861. The company became Co. H, 18th (Marmaduke's) Arkansas Infantry, which was re-designated the 3rd Confederate Infantry in January 1862. Captain Fletcher was killed in action at Shiloh, Tennessee, April 6, 1862. Ex Lemley, Littlejohn and Warren. $400.

14873 14873

PINE BLUFF / ARK // JUL / 17 dcds on stampless cover with bold PAID 10 (CSA Catalog type C) to Mary G. Burwell, Townville, N Carolina, slightly reduced at left, bit of soiling and staining. CCV $500. $350.

15147 15147

FAIR PLAY / ARK // AUG / 30 [1861] double strike with matching handstamped PAID and manuscript peacock blue “5” rate on long articulate and legible 3-page folded letter headed “The State of Ark Hot Spring Co August the 26th 1861” to “Mr. C.H. Wright, Sommerville, Ala. Morgan Co” saying “we have got plenty of State Bonds here in place of money to pay the soldiers with and b(u)y pervisions (sic) with…this is the last five cents with the exception of a few war bonds that aint good postage money here, so I wish you wo(u)ld send us a few five cents in your next letter…soon as I go to the war & earn them .” THE LISTING COPY FOR THE CSA CATALOG AND THE ONLY EXAMPLE RECORDED IN THE DR. BRUCE ROBERTS CENSUS. Ex Felton. $950.

15160 15160

PARACLIFTA / ARK // MAR / 18 [1863] wonderfully struck small cds with manuscript “Paid 10 cts” on small folded letter headed March 16th 1863 to Daniel G. Pipkin, Leaks Store, Ark. From [Dr] James Fears regarding the settling of an estate in which he agrees to accept Confederate money for his medical services. Paraclifta was the site of the first county seat of Sevier County, Arkansas, one of the oldest settlements in the county. Extremely Fine. ONE OF ONLY TWO RECORDED covers from Paraclifta in the Arkansas census of Confederate Uses by Dr. Bruce Roberts. See $675.

Rev. Daniel Griffin Pipkin (1819-1903) and his wife Julia were prominent in Arkansas public affairs. They walked from Alabama to Arkansas in 1842 along with others. A long genealogical history may be found at

Dr. James Fears is listed as 51 year old physician in the 1860 census, born in Georgia and showing nine others in his household with an estate worth $13,000.

13145 13145

LITTLE ROCK / ARK // JAN / 4 / 1863 partial strike of double circle cancel with matching [due] 10 soldier’s rating on cover to J. B. Bay, Ky Town, Texas with endorsement up the left side Q M Ray Fitzhugh. A quick search produced nothing. Ripe for research hound to tackle. Ex Telep. $400.

15354 15354

LEWISVILLE / ARK // SEP / 29 [1862] cds with day in manuscript on cover to Mrs L. D. Conner, Cokesbury S.C., PAID 10 (rate in manuscript), CSA Catalog Type A; with original letter from D. W. McCants to his daughter datelined "Cut Off, Red River, Septbr. 16th 1862", interesting contents including lack of mail due to the blockade, receiving a letter from one of his sons describing the wounding of his foot by a ball, battle at Manassas and serving under Stonewall Jackson, how they (recently moved from SC) love living in Arkansas and want for nothing but coffee; cover with small piece missing at top and other minor edge wear, small flap faults, Scarce with ONLY FIVE RECORDED IN DR. BRUCE ROBERTS ARKANSAS CENSUS. $500.


David Whitfield McCants (1812-1882) was born at Bannister Down Plantation, St. John Parish, South Carolina. He was Justice of the Peace in Cokesbury, SC in the 1830s. He moved to Arkansas in 1861 just before the war began. He had eight children, all of whom moved to Arkansas with him except the oldest daughter, who married Leonidas D. Conner in 1852. Four of his sons fought in the war, one of whom was killed at Antietam.

Letter, p. 1
Letter, p. 2


15813 15813

Oak Grove Ark Mach 20th” all in manuscript on 3¢ star-die #U27 with no evidence of Confederate postage rate. Docketing of “1862” at left which leaves current postal historians with a dilemma. If it is indeed 1862, then there is a missing rate. However, it is not impossible that the docketing should have been 1861. Either way, this is a Confederate use as Arkansas seceded May 6, 1861 and joined the Confederacy May 18, 1861. Interesting use UNLISTED IN ROBERTS CENSUS EITHER WAY. Slightly reduced at left and top as well as replaced bottom right corner; addressed to [Rev] A. R. Banks, Tulip, Dallas Co Arkansas, Ex Marcus White and George Clippert. $450.

Rev. A. R. Banks organized the Tulip Presbyterian Church around 1840. The original Church building was destroyed in 1959 by a tornado, and was rebuilt the same year. Banks divided his time between the Tulip and Princeton congregations.

Listed in both Independent-2 and Arkansas Stampless sections

15829 15829

TRANS-MISSISSIPPI COURIER OR COURTESY: PINE BLUFF / ARK // JUN / 20 / 1862 double circle datestamp with matching 5 DUE (CSA Catalog Type D) on cover to Mrs. F. K. Keesee, Hillsboro, Arks, with “Politeness of Mr. Green” at lower left in ink and same handwriting as address; pencil notation at top “From C. Ashbrook, Co. G. Harpers’ Reg. Ark. Mt. Rifles, Churchills’ Brigade, Van Dorns’ Division.” Tiny bit of upper left corner replaced and top back flap missing, CARRIED EAST TO WEST ACROSS THE MISSISSIPPI WHERE IT ENTERED THE MAIL SYSTEM IN ARKANSAS. Ex Clippert. $1,750.

Calvin Ashbrook - Company G, 1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles (Napoleon Rifles) was discharged from Camp Ingraham, Miss, and given travel allowance (300 miles) back to Napoleon, Arkansas. Copy of discharge papers included. Much more information on the linked page.

Milton S. Keesee (1837- 1883) and Fannie (Coburn) Keesee (1840-1880) were in the same household in Hillsboro in the 1860 U.S. census. Milton S. Keesee served as a private and later as a lieutenant with the 1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles. Much more information on the linked page.

Listed in Miscellaneous-2 and Arkansas Stampless

15791 15791

ARKADELPHIA / Ark // JAN / 11 [1862] with matching PAID 10 (CSA Catalog Type B with CV $400) on blue lined folded letter to George Hendrix, Newnan, Georgia, from James Hughen to his mother Elizabeth Hughen, apparently care of Hendrix. Ex Lemley, Kohn and Clippert. ONLY THREE LISTED IN ROBERTS CENSUS. $450.

James Hamilton Hughen served in the 4th Alabama Regiment. He was born in South Carolina in 1826 but his parents moved to Georgia in his youth. He was living in Jackson County, Alabama, when the war began but joined the 4th under Captain Smyth and followed General Forrest in many of his campaigns. When the war ended, he returned to find his home almost completely destroyed. In 1871, he took his family to Arkansas where he died in 1922.

15792 15792

CAMDEN / Ark // AUG / 16 [1861] with matching PAID 10 (CSA Catalog Type B with CV $500) on pale pink stampless cover to John W. Miller, G. F. Todd Captain Care of West Point Guards 4th Regt Geo Vol. Norfolk Va. with excellent original 4-page letter headed August 15, 1861 to Miller as “Dear Bro” signed D.D. & A.E. Knowles saying “the news highly appreciated by us of which we had had some flying rumors which you may know was very much distorted and exaggerated by reason of the distance and the many mediums by which it was received – we had been informed that the slaughter on both sides of the antagonist reached to many thousands – one report said that the loss sustained by us of the South reached the enormous sum of thirty thousand while enemys was more than double and presuming that the number did not reach half that quantity in this great battle of Manassas, it was a very easy matter for us to suppose that you from your proximity to the Battle was one of the noble ones of Georgia’s brave and gallant sons that should be by the fortunes of a soldier recorded in the list of the fallen…the news of the great Battle has seemingly started the flame of patriotism in every bosom-it is perfectly astounding to see what is has done-some old sinners whose hearts almost seemed to have been comped of stone have given up their stubbornness and their business and gone out as recruits doing everything that they can to raise volunteers and the cause of the Southern Confederacy…” and much more interesting reflections from an educated writer. There was an Alexander Knowles who also served in the 4th Georgia who may or may not be the writer (seems more likely than not). Ex Clippert. $550.

letter, page 1

letter, page 2

letter, page 3

letter, page 4


15794 15794

CAMDEN / Ark // JUN / 9 with matching PAID 10 (CSA Catalog Type B with CV $500), beautiful clear bold strikes on cover to Mrs. May Shober Care of F. E. Shober, Salisbury, North Carolina with ms. directive at top “Post Master will please forward.” Ex Gallagher and Clippert. $550.

Francis Edwin Shober (1831-1896) was a lawyer and congressman who was opposed secession. Much more information on the linked page.

15795 15795

CAMDEN / Ark // SEP / 24 with bold matching PAID 10 (CSA Catalog Type B with CV $500), on cover to Miss Cornelia S. Dickson, Mulbury P. Office, Ala, couple sealed tears at left and top, top back flap removed. Cornelia’s father was Col. S. H. N. Dickson of Mobile, Ala. She attended the Mulberry Academy in 1851 and afterward became a teacher, remaining in Alabama until after the war. Ex Clippert. $280.

15802 15802

Flat Bayou Arks / Nov 25/61” manuscript postmark with matching “paid 10” on cover to Miss C. A. McKay, Barhamsville Near Columbia South Carolina, couple small sealed tears at top and top back flap missing. ONE OF ONLY TWO RECORDED in the Roberts census – the other in similar condition. Barhamsville was home to the SC Female Collegiate Institute and McKay may have been a student or teacher there. CCV $350, Ex Kohn and Clippert. $375.

15805 15805

HELENA / ARK // JUL / 31 / 1861 typically light double circle datestamp with matching bold PAID 5 (CSA Catalog Type B with CV $500) on cover to Hon. Sylvester Baily (sic), Memphis, Tenn. Slight edge wear and staining but of the same relative condition or better as the ONLY FOUR RECORDED in Roberts census. Ex Clippert. $500.

Judge Sylvester Bailey was the first mayor of the newly incorporated South Memphis in 1846. Much more information on the linked page.

15806 15806

HELENA / ARK // JAN / 18 / 1862 neat double circle datestamp with matching bold PAID 10 (rate in ms. - CSA Catalog Type A with CV $400) to Mess. Carroll Hoy & Co, New Orleans, La, Very Fine, Ex Clippert. $450.

15810 15810

Lisbon, Ark May 30 Paid 10¢” all in manuscript (unknown year date) on U27 3¢ star-die entire with right edge of cover restored including part of 3¢ stamp, addressed to Thomas W. Smith, Prattville, Alabama. ONLY RECORDED LISTING for Lisbon in Roberts census. CCV $350 for this cover. Ex Marcus White and George Clippert. $400.

Thomas W. Smith served in the Prattville Dragoons Co H, 3 Alabama Cavalry.  Much more information on the linked page.

15812 15812

Mt. Holly Arks Nov 1st [1861] Paid 5” all in manuscript used on demonetized US 10 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Carroll Hoy & Co, New Orleans; usual pin holes found on virtually all of this correspondence. ONLY RECORDED LISTING in Roberts census Ex Clippert. $450.

15818 15818

LITTLE ROCK / ARK double circle datestamp with matching “Due (ms.)” and handstamped “10”(CSA Catalog Type E with CV of $400) on outer folded lettersheet made of lined paper with original letter headed “Lafayette Co Arkansas the 7th August 1862” from James O. Odom to his wife Jemima Odom, Beeville, Bee Co, Texas. The short of the letter is that he found God after joining the service – the old truism that there are no atheists in foxholes. Ex Wyche and Clippert. $400.


James O. Odom was “a private in Capt. Y. R. Bonners Ochiltree’s Regt. Co. C.” 18th Texas Infantry, Trans-Mississippi Department. More information on the linked page. Click for letter, page 1  Click for letter, page 2

15824 15824

“Parkersburg Ark Nov 6 [1861] Paid 5” all in manuscript on small commercially made cover to Mr. Powers, State Land Agent, Clarksville, Ark. THE ONLY LISTED COVER FROM PARKERSBURG in Roberts stampless census. Tiniest bit reduced at right upon opening. Ex Clippert. $450.

15826 15826

PINE BLUFF / ARK // JUL / 10 / 1861 double circle datestamp on folded letter with bold matching PAID 5 (CSA Catalog B with CV $500), to E. T. Nickerson, Minden, La; addressed to “My Dear Brother & Sister” from Brother John Koldy (religious “relations”) saying, in part, “a call for ten thousand troops.” War weary and stained but nice markings, Ex Davidson and Clippert. $250.

15830 15830

Richmond Arks / Sept 3 / Paid 10” all in manuscript on cover to Mrs. Nannie C. Kesterson, Paraclifta, Ark. THE ONLY LISTING FOR THIS TOWN in the Roberts census. Ex Clippert. $425.

Nancy Catherine Abernathy Kesterson was the widow of William Kesterson of Sevier County Arkansas (1828-1860). More information on the linked page.

15831 15831

South Bend, Arks / Nov 1st 1862 / Due 10” all in manuscript, ONE OF FOUR RECORDED in Roberts census, on edge worn / soiled cover to N. B. Floyd, Eagle Lake, Colorado County, Texas; endorsed “From H. M. Alford 6th Regiment Texas Infantry” Ex Lemley, Gallagher, Clippert. $300.

H. M. Alford served in Co. G, 6th Texas Infantry, Garland’s Brigade, Churchill’s Division, 2nd Corps, Trans-Mississippi Department. Much more information on the linked page.

16331 16331

LITTLE ROCK / ARK double circle postmark with matching [due] 10 (CSA Catalog Type E, CV $400) on homemade cover to Rev. Willis Burgess, Waco Cty, Texas, with endorsement of M _____ Co. K. 19th T[exas] C[avalry]. Unfortunately, the left side has been reduced/eroded into the endorsement. Info included from prior owner on M. M. Burgess in Navarro County. Cover open 3 sides. Plantation Collection. $250.

The 19th Texas Cavalry served in the Trans-Mississippi Department as part of Parson’s Brigade. Company K was from Dallas County. Much more info online.

16333 16333

LITTLE ROCK / ARK double circle postmark with matching [due] 10 (CSA Catalog Type E, CV $400) on adversity cover fashioned from lined ledger paper to Mrs. M. A. Neblett, Navasoto Deport, Grimes Co, Texas, with soldier endorsement of “R. Neblett a member of company D Youngs regmint.” Small piece of flap missing which extends to sealed tear at top edge. Plantation Collection. $250.

Robert Neblett served in Company D, Texas 12th Infantry AKA Young’s Regiment, McCulloch’s Division, 2nd Corps, Trans-Mississippi Department. Much more information on the linked page.

16532 16532

“Hix Ferry Ark / Oct 27 [1861” all in manuscript with PAID / 5 (ms) on cover to Mrs. Mattie Slemon, Montecello, Drew Co, Arks, with manuscript directive at lower left “Via Nopolion Arks” (Napolean). ONLY TWO SUCH RECORDED HIX’S FERRY COVERS RECORDED in Dr. Bruce Roberts census, reduced at right and tiny repairs along bottom edge. CC Type A, CV $400. 2007 CSA Certificate. $350.

Colonel William Ferguson Slemons served in the 2nd Arkansas Cavalry. Much more information on the linked page.

17798 17798

BUCK HORN / ARK // FEB / 23 [1862] clear well-struck cds with matching PAID 10 (CSA Catalog type B, CCV $750) on neat folded letter heading Izard County, Arkansas and signed James Chitwood. Short but interesting letter to H.A. Montgomery saying that per their agreement, “…concerning Telegraph leader poles I will deliver them at Duvalls Bluff on White River Ark in three months from this date if there is water in White River to float and run them.” Ex Winters and Boshwit. Rare listing copy for the CSA Catalog. Per census of Dr. Bruce Roberts, THIS IS THE ONLY MARKING OF ITS KIND. There are only three covers of any kind recorded from Buck Horn, all stampless: this PAID 10, a PAID 5 and a manuscript Due 5 revalued to 10. $750.

James Granville "Yaller Jim" Chitwood biographical info on linked page.

19631 19631

"Pleasant Hill Ark. Mar/62" penciled manuscript postmark with matching "Due 5," endorsed by T. F. Spence, McIntosh Regt., C.S.A., on neat outer folded lettersheet, Very Fine UNLISTED ARKANSAS USE. Not in CSA Catalog nor Bruce Roberts online census. Pleasant Hill is listed in the 1862 U.S. Post Office register in Franklin County, Arkansas. Today there is a Pleasant Hill listed as an unincorporated community in Garland County 7 miles west-southwest of Hot Springs, but it is not the same one as in Franklin County. The one in this listing is now in yet a third county, that of Crawford County just west of Franklin County. A neighborhood in the city of Mulberry, it was once a separate community. $750.

Alexander E. Spence served in Company B, 1st Arkansas Infantry, CSA, while his brother Thomas F. Spence served in in Company E, 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles. Much more info on linked page.


J. M. Barksdale's Arkansas Express (CSA catalog type TMW-12, CV $3,500) with blue manuscript "Paid $1.00" express rate, matching endorsement "Soldier's Letter, A. E. Spence, Co. `B' 1st Ark. Regt." on cover to Solomon Spence, Clark County, Arkadelphia Ark., WASHINGTON / Ark. // DEC / 2 circular datestamp and "10" due handstamp, minor soiling and slightly reduced at left where opened roughly. ONE OF ONLY FOUR RECORDED COVERS CARRIED BY ONE OF THE ARKANSAS EXPRESSES ACROSS THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. $2,750.

Capt. Alexander E. Spence served in Company B (Clark County Volunteers), 1st Arkansas Infantry. The expressman, J. M. Barksdale, served in Company H, 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles. More information on those two and the express service are found on the linked page. Listed in both Miscellaneous-Section 1 and Arkansas Stampless

New 09-28-24

LITTLE ROCK ARK MAR 20 1862 double-circle datestamp neatly struck with manuscript “Due 5” on green all-over Cole & Dyer advertising cover for Foreign & Domestic Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. from Memphis, Tenn.; soldier’s cover with mandated endorsement of “Wm. W. Jacobs Private Captin (sic) Robersons Co” and addressed to Mrs. Sarah M. Jacobs, Dewitt Arkansas. William W. Jacobs was a private in Company E of Arkansas 18th Infantry. Listed on Dr. Bruce Roberts Arkansas Postal History website. Ex Roger H. Oswald. $950. Listed in both Advertising and Arkansas Stampless
