GREENSBOROUGH / Ala // MAY / 24 handstamped PAID 10 on tiny blue cover to “Mrs. W Withers, Mobile, Ala” with pencil notes of MacBride and Kimbrough on verso. $220. |
GAINSVILLE / ALA // JUL / 5 cds with matching handstamped PAID 10, CSA Catalog type D, on homemade cover to Mrs. T. K. Jackson, Care Mr. Ben Barret, Lauderdale Station, Mississippi; reduced at left. Scarce. $250. |
CLAYTON / ALA // JUN / 1 [1861] - cds with PAID straightline and manuscript "5" rate with charge box notation, on cover from George E. Macon to Wilson Williams, Registrar in Chancery, Crawford, Ala. re legal matters. Original May 30 dated enclosure headed Clayton; couple minor envelope thin spots and slightly reduced at top, Judge Wilson Williams was Lee County, Alabama Probate Judge from 1872-1880. Scarce and exhibitable FIRST DAY OF THE CONFEDERATE POSTAL SYSTEM. $2,000. |
GREENSBOROUGH / ALA. // DEC / 22 [1861] boldly struck cds with matching PAID 10 on cover to [Private] William Tinker Care of Capt. E. L. Hobson, 5th Regt. [Company D] Alabama Volunteers, Manassas Junction, Virginia. Slightly reduced at top with top back flap replaced, heavy but attractive docketing. Tinker’s unit was from Greene (now Hale) County and served from Manassas to Appomattox. Ex Brandon. $200. |
LIVINGSTON / Ala. // JUN / 22 cds with matching PAID 5 (Type A, CV $200) to Jas R. Garber, Citronelle, Mobile Co[unty] Alabama Care of Doctor Borden, flap faults, Ex Walcott and Roger Ballard. $150.
James R. Garber enlisted as a 2nd Lieutenant 15 April 1864 in Company G, 8th Alabama Cavalry, Armistead’s (Pillow’s old) Brigade, Army of Mississippi, Alabama and East Louisiana. He was listed on a roll of prisoners of war 14 May 1865 and took the oath of allegiance. |
“James Town Ala Nov 28 / Paid 10” in manuscript, listed in CSA Catalog with CV of $150, on cover to Mrs. Jane P. Bell, Fort Gains Georgia, Ex Roger Ballard. $160. |
MOBILE / ALA // JAN (no date) with matching [due] 10 (Type F, CV $200) on cover to Miss Deborah Rumbley, Monroeville, Monroe County, Alabama. Mandated endorsement From T.A. Rumbley, Co. H. 17th Regt Ala Vol. Ex Roger Ballard. $150.
Thomas A. Rumbley enlisted as a private 25 October 1861 and served in Company H, 17th Alabama Infantry, Cantey’s Brigade, Walthall’s Division, Army of Tennessee. Paroled at Greensboro NC 1 May 1865. |
MONTEVALLO / ALA cds with matching PAID. No rate – listed in CSA catalog with CV $200 but only black and white tracing. Used on folded letter to R. Hall, Supt, Shelby Iron Works, Columbiana, Ala. Letter headed Montevallo Jany 16/65 saying, “I have been expecting the articles down that I ordered when up at your place but have not heard from them. There is not a pound of meat in this place, am having ? the experiment, find that men can’t work without eating…E.G. Walker” Lots of info online re Shelby Iron Works. Ex Roger Ballard. $150.v |
MONTGOMERY / Ala. // MAY / 31 cds with matching [due] 10 (Type C, CV $200 with poor image, this will be a replacement) on cover to Mrs. H. D. Boutwell, Eutaw, Alabama with mandated endorsement of Sergt H.D. Boutwell, Co. F 40th Ala Regt. At lower left is manuscript Trade at Montgomery. All writing in light pencil but readable. Ex Roger Ballard. $140.
Henry D. Boutwell served as a1st Sergeant in Co. F 40th Alabama Infantry. More info on linked page. |
EUFAULA Ala JAN 10, beautifully struck circular datestamp with matching neat PAID straightline, no rate, CSA Catalog type B, CCV $200, on cover to James B. Newman, Barboursville, Orange Co., Virginia. $200.
James Barbour Newman bio on thumbnail-linked page. |
TUSCALOOSA Ala. OCT 24 cds with bold matching PAID 10 (type D) on stampless cover to Lieut. B. B. Lewis, Care of Capt. J.P. West, 2nd Ala Cavalry Regt., Pollard (on Monty & Pensacola RR) Ala. Slightly reduced at left, Extremely Fine, ex Kohn and Gilbert. $300.
Burwell Boykin Lewis bio on linked page. |
New 12-05-24
Army of Northern Virginia Due (ms) 10 (type ANV-16, CV 125) on cover (slightly reduced at right) to Miss Wesley Caster Staunton Va., mandated soldier’s endorsement on back flaps “Wm Andy Heirs Care Co. E 3rd Ala. Regt. Rhode’s Division 2nd Corps.” Ex Paul Boschung. $110. |