Items for Sale - Official, Semi-Official and State Imprints - Section 2

New material may be listed in any section, not just in the last section of a category.

17827 001 17827

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red with full margins to slightly in, tied RICHMOND / VA. cds on legal-size cover with Confederate States NAVY DEPARTMENT, Official Business. imprint (ND-08, CCV $750 for common stamp) to Hon. James Lyons, M.C. House Reps, Richmond. Lyons was a Confederate congressman. DROP-LETTER RATE, reduced at right touching imprint and vertical folds, scarce Confederate Navy imprint. Ex MacBride. $900.

James Lyons (1801-1882) was a Virginia politician who served in the Confederate Congress and as President Jefferson Davis' Counsel.

Much more information on linked page.

17840 17840

CSA 2-P, 10¢ dark blue Paterson tied bold RICHMOND / Va. // OCT / 30 / 1862 on semi-official imprinted Confederates States of America, Treasurer’s Office. (TD-21, CV $350) to John M. Kirkland, Ca[shier] Hillsboro, N.C., slightly reduced at right grazing imprint and address. $250.

17843 001 17843

RICHMOND / VA // SEP / 12 / 1861 cds with matching PAID / 20 (ms.) on legal-size imprinted envelope Confederate States of America, Treasury Department. (TD-11, CV $400), this is the catalog listing example, to T. W. Compton, Esq., Princeton, Ark[ansas], flap opening tear extending over top but away from markings, Scarce, Ex Telep and Gallagher. $250.

17848 001 17848

Confederate States of America, Treasury Department. Register’s Office. (TD-15) hand-delivered to W. B. Johnston, Esq., Montgomery, Ala. (5 ½” x 3 1/8 ”) Only a tracing available for CSA catalog, likely indicating a scarce imprint (CV $400 for postally used). Extremely Fine. $150.

17849 001 17849

Confederate States of America, Treasury Department. Unused imprinted envelope (5 ¼” x 3”), (TD-01, CV $350 postally used), Very Fine. $60.

17850 001 17850

Confederate States of America, Treasury Department. Unused imprinted envelope (5 ¼” x 3”), (TD-01, CV $350 postally used), Very Fine. $50.

17851 001 17851

Treasury Department, C.S.A., Treasurer’s Office. Unused imprinted envelope (5 ¼” x 3”), (TD-24, CV $350 postally used), Very Fine. $60.

17852 001 17852

Treasury Department, C.S.A., Treasurer’s Office. Unused blue imprinted envelope (5 ¼” x 3”), (TD-24, CV $350 postally used), Very Fine. $60.

17854 001 17854

 Confederate States of America, Treasury Department. First Auditor’s Office. Unused linen-lined imprinted envelope, (7” x 4”), (TD-32, CV $350 postally used), typically used to send securities thus slightly oversized, Very Fine. $60.

17859 17859

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ light blue (4 margins) tied RALEIGH / N.C. double-circle datestamp on imprinted envelope  Adjutant General’s Office, Roll of Honor. (WD-AG-11, CV $750) with Official Business at left, docketed “May 2, 1864, Major James H. Foote,” to W. S. Pettigrew, Esq., Summerville, N.C. gently cleaned. Incredibly interesting group of military records at NARA for a clearly admired officer. I will likely write this story up for one of my columns. Rare imprint with great backstory. $450.        

James Henry Foote served as captain in Company I, NC 1st Infantry.

Much more information on linked page.

17860 001 17860

CSA 2-Y (Scott 2-e), 10¢ light milky blue, two Stone Y singles tied together on legal-size envelope by blue COLUMBIA / S.C. // NOV / 13 cds on imprinted envelope of Head-Quarters, / Commissary General’s Department. (WD-CD-02, CV $400.) Addressed to W. F. B. Haynesworth, Esq, Secty. & Tr. S.B.R., Sumter, S.C.  File folds and wear but very scarce use of more than one Stone Y on cover.  $450.

William Francis Baker Haynesworth was an attorney, judge advocate and prominent citizen of Sumter who at times acted as editor and publisher of the Sumter Banner.

More information on linked page.

17863 001 17863

CSA 6, 5¢ blue vertical pair (pre-use crease / tear) tied RICHMOND / VA // JUL / 3 / 1862 on Confederate States of America, War Department, Surgeon General’s Office. (WD-MD-04, CV $400) imprinted envelope addressed to Surg[eon] William Taylor, Wilcox Division, A.N.V. (Army of Northern Virginia). Included is a very detailed bio from the unpublished biographical register of physicians who served the Confederacy in a medical capacity, courtesy of Drs. F. T. Hambrecht and J.L. Koste. Ex Hambrecht. $450.

Surgeon William Taylor was assigned as surgeon to report to Gen. Robert E. Lee, duty with the 10th Alabama Infantry; he subsequently became Chief Surgeon General Wilcox's Division, Army of Northern Virginia.

Much more information on linked page.

17864 001 17864

CSA 11, 10¢ blue used with RICHMOND / VA cds partly struck off cover at top, Confederate States of America, War Department, Surgeon General’s Office. (WD-MD-04, CV $400) imprinted envelope addressed in bold hand to Mrs. T. M. Dykers, Planters Hotel, Cheraw, S.C. $200.

The Cheraw Hotel--The Cheraw Hotel was once a stage tavern and boarded such notables as John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay and Sam Houston.

Much more information on linked page.

17866 001 17866

CSA 12, 10¢ blue (4 margins) tied RICHMOND / Va. cds on Confederate States of America, War Department, Surgeon General’s Office. imprint envelope (WD-MD-04, CV $400) to W. W. Webb, Esq. Lunenburg C.H., Virginia. Very Fine. $300.

17869 001 17869

CSA 1, 5¢ olive green tied RICHMOND / Va. // DEC / 21 /1863 cds on Confederate States of America, Surgeon General’s Office. Official Business. (at left) legal-size imprinted envelope (WD-MD-03, CV $400) to Dr. W. F. Barr, Abingdon, Va. Light file folds and a bit edge worn. $200.

17871 001 17871

CSA 7-R-v4, 5¢ blue pair (filled in frames at bottom) tied RICHMOND / Va. // ? / 22 cds on legal-size envelope imprinted Confederate States of America. Surgeon General’s Office. / Official Business. (WD-MD-06, CV $400) to Dr. R. F. Scruggs, Sweet Water, Monroe County, Tennessee. $200.

17877 001 17877

CSA 12-KB, 10¢ deep blue (4 large to huge margins all around) tied RICHMOND / Va. // APR / 24 cds on legal-size cover imprinted Confederate States of America., Surgeon General’s Office. / Official Business. t. (WD-MD-06, CV $400) to Surg. W. H. Hall, Medical Purveyor, Petersburg, Va. This is also a TURNED COVER with a N.C. use inside (pair of stamps missing but complete cds of FRANKLINTON / N.C.), addressed to Mrs. Jno. H. Claiborne, Louisburg, NC; envelope folded down slightly all around. Greatly detailed bio included from the unpublished biographical register of physicians who served the Confederacy in a medical capacity, courtesy of Drs. F. T. Hambrecht and J.L. Koste. $350.

Dr. William Hunt Hall was appointed Asst. Surgeon to rank in 1862 and served in both Va and NC.

Much more information on linked page.

17881 001 17881

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue (large unevenly separated 4 margins) tied MACON / GA double-circle datestamp on semi-official cover imprinted C.S. Central Laboratory, (ordn.) Macon, Ga., / [Official Business.] which is an UNLISTED IMPRINT VARIETY similar to WD-OD-21 but with a longer line under Macon, Ga., different font for “O” of Ordn. as well as different spacing. Addressed to Walter Blake Esq., Pocotaligo, So. Ca. $450.

17882 001 17882

Quartermaster’s Department, Confederate States of America. (with curly bracket at right) UNLISTED IMPRINT on small (5 ¼” x 3”) envelope addressed to Mr. B. F. Richardson(?)/Mt. ? with clearly penned docketing up left side “Taken from Vicksburg July 4, 1863” which conjures up visions of a fallen soldier who did not make it home – the day Vicksburg fell. $200.

17885 001 1 17885

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue vertical pair tied unidentified circular datestamp over ms. charge box marking on semi-official legal-size cover imprinted Confederate States of America, Quartermaster’s Department, (Official Business.) (WD-QM-05, CV $400) to Hon. Andrew P. Calhoun, Pendleton, So. Ca. $200.

Andrew Pickens Calhoun was son of John C. Calhoun.

Much more information on linked page.

17888 001 17888

CSA 12, 10¢ dark blue (4 margins) tied RICHMOND / VA // SEP / 7 cds on pale blue envelope with imprint Confederate States of America, Subsistence Department (WD-SD-02, CV $350), to Maj. P. W. White, Chief Cl[erk] Quincy, Fla. Ex Judge Emerson, Cole. $350.

Major Pleasant Woodson White was Chief Commissary Officer for Florida and commanded the depot at Quincy.

Much more information on linked page.

17889 001 17889

US 65, 3¢ rose used with manuscript postmark of Ivy Depot Va April 2 (1866?) with charge box notation at top on pale blue semi-official imprint envelope Confederate States of America, Subsistence Department, Office of Chief Commissary of Virginia with [Official.] at upper left (WD-SD-12, CV $400), to Mrs. Ella A. MacKenzie, 118 Park Street, Baltimore [Maryland], pencil docket at left “Brother Duk.” Small stained sealed tear at upper right and soiled file fold across top. Jack Molesworth note on verso that it is a “captured” imprint, with price tag of $350. My take is that it is post-war. Either way, it is a very interesting item. $200.

Ella Noland MacKenzie - interesting detailed biographical information on linked page.

17894 001 17894

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ light blue pair (tiny nick at top) manuscript canceled, doubtless sent from Charleston SC as is a known correspondence, on semi-official imprinted Confederate States. / Head Quarters, Department of So. Ca., Ga. and Flo. / Official Business. (WD-ZA-24, CV $750) Last line crossed out, as was private correspondence. Addressed to Miss Julia McCord, Greenville, South Carolina. Extremely Fine. Chronological letter date of “94” at top left. $450.

Henry Wemyss-Feilden was Aide-de-Camp to the Commanding General of the Head Quarters, Department of So. Ca., Ga. and Flo. serving successively under Generals P. G. T. Beauregard, Samuel Jones, and William J. Hardee.

Much more information on linked page.

17895 001 17895

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ light blue (4 margins) manuscript canceled, doubtless sent from Charleston, SC, as known correspondence on semi-official imprinted Confederate States. / Head Quarters, Department of So. Ca., Ga. and Flo. / Official Business. (WD-ZA-24, CV $750) with “Not” in manuscript in front of “Official.” Addressed to Miss Julia McCord, Greenville, South Carolina. Very Fine. Ex Littlejohn. Chronological letter date of “93” at top left. $400.

Henry Wemyss-Feilden was Aide-de-Camp to the Commanding General of the Head Quarters, Department of So. Ca., Ga. and Flo. serving successively under Generals P. G. T. Beauregard, Samuel Jones, and William J. Hardee.

Much more information on linked page.

17896 001 17896

CSA 12-ADa, 10¢ milky blue left sheet margin tied CHARLESTON / S.C. // AUG / 9 cds on small blue semi-official imprinted Head Quarters, 1st Military Dist., Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, Official Business. (WD-ZA-26, CV $750) to Joseph C. Habersham, No. 3. Liberty Street, Savannah, Ga. Box 513. SUPERB and RARE. Ex Judd. $750.

Surgeon Joseph Clay Habersham served throughout the war in a medical capacity for the Confederacy as Assistant Surgeon, Surgeon and Brigade Surgeon.

More information on linked page.

17897 001 17897

CSA 7-L, 5¢ blue pair tied blue cds over semi-official imprinted Confederate States, Head-Quarters Department N. Carolina and Southern Va., Official Business. (WD-ZA-15, CV $500) Only catalog-listed imprint for this department. Part of imprint hidden so collector wrote in portion of imprint not visible. to Mrs. Carmichael Care I. R. Bryan, Esq, Dixie P.O. Fluvanna Co[unty] Virginia. Slightly reduced at top with top back flap missing. Ex Kohn. $250.

17899 001 17899

Hand-carried blue semi-official imprinted Confederate States, Head-Quarters Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, Official Business. (WD-ZA-23, CV $750) to Capt. L. Fortin, 30th Regt. La. V[olunteer]s, Care of Father Turgis. File folds caused by heavy contents. $300.

Louis Fortin served in Company F, Louisiana 30th Infantry, also known as the Sumter Regiment Infantry.

Much more information on linked page.

17900 001 17900

CHARLESTON / S.C. // NOV / 1 / 186- cds with matching PAID 10 on legal-size imprinted Confederate States. Head Quarters, Department of South Carolina and Georgia. Official Business. (WD-ZA-21, CV $500). Listing copy for the catalog. To Brig. Genl. Howell Cobb, Athens, Georgia, charged to box 392. Bit edge worn, at upper left. $200.

17902 001 17902

CSA 12-ADc, 10¢ bluish green tied red RALEIGH / N.C. // JAN / 10 dcds on imprinted state semi-official Adjutant General’s Office, Raleigh, N.C. at left: Official Business. (S-NC-09, CV $400). to Maj. J. Jenkins, 25th Batt. H.G. (Home Guards), Shelby, N.C. Cover scuff/erosion at top right and most of top back flap missing. $150.

17903 001 17903

RALEIGH / N.C. dcds with matching PAID [2] on imprinted state semi-official Official Business, Office of Chief Quartermaster, Raleigh, N.C. (S-NC-30, $400) to Surgeon E. Burke Haywood, Raleigh, N.C. Ex Wyche and Zimmerman. $400.

Dr. Edmund Burke Haywood established the first Confederate hospitals in North Carolina.

Much more information on linked page.

17904 001 17904

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue left sheet margin tied RALEIGH / N.C. // JU- / 6 dcds on imprinted state semi-official Adjutant General’s Office, Raleigh, N.C. at left: Official Business. (S-NC-10, CV $400) to Maj. J. Jenkins, 25th Batt. H.G. (Home Guards), Shelby, N.C., Ex John R. Hill. $250.

17906 001 17906

CSA 7-L, 5¢ blue pair (small faults) tied by RALEIGH / N.C. // APR / 6 double circle datestamp on imprinted state semi-official Adjutant General’s Office, Raleigh, N.C. at left: Official Business. (S-NC-10, CV $400) to Col. A. A. Harbin, President G.C.M., Statesville, N.C.  Ex Littlejohn. $250.

17907 001 17907

CSA 11-ADa, 10¢ light milky blue tied by blue RALEIGH / N.C. // DEC / 8 double circle datestamp on fresh imprinted state semi-official Adjutant General’s Office, Raleigh, N.C. at left: Official Business. (S-NC-14, CV $400) this the catalog listing copy. To Lt. Col. T. J. Gregory, 42nd Regt. N.C.M. Sassafras Fork, N.C. $300

17909 001 17909

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue tied oxidized red ink of RALEIGH / N.C. dcds on imprinted state semi-official Official Business. Adjutant General’s Office., Raleigh, N.C. (S-NC-09, CV $400) to Col. A. A. Sharpe, Matesville, N.C. $150.

17910 001 17910

CSA 7-R-v4, 5¢ blue vertical pair (filled in frame at right) tied blue RALEIGH / N.C. dcds on imprinted state semi-official Conscript Office, Raleigh, N.C., Official Business. (WD-CN-08, CV $500) to L.M. Scott, Greensboro, N.C.  Scarce imprint. $300.

17912 001 1 17912

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue tied RALEIGH / N.C. // 11 Dec 1863 dcds on imprinted state semi-official Official Business. (at top left) Ordnance Department, Raleigh, N.C. (S-NC-20, CV $400) to Maj. A. A. Harbin, Mocksville, N.C. Ex Judd. $300.

17917 001 1 17917

RALEIGH / N.C. double-circle datestamp with matching PAID (no rate) on legal-size envelope imprinted Conscript Office, Raleigh, N.C. with [Official Business]. at upper left. (WD-CN-07, CV $500) pre-printed envelope To the Enrolling Officer (Mr. Jno D. Williams) For Cumberland County, Fayetteville, N.C.  Scarce! $300.

17918 001 17918

Quartermaster’s Department, Salisbury, N.C., Official Business. imprinted unused legal-size envelope (7 3/4” x 3 ½”) (S-NC-33, CV $400 postally used), Very Fine $100.

17920 001 17920

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red with large margins to in where separated unevenly prior to use, tied well-struck RICHMOND / VA. // FEB / 10 cds on cover locally addressed by Governor John Letcher to R. A. Brock, Esq. with State of Virginia, Executive Department imprint (S-VA-01, CV $500) at lower left, embossing under top back flap “Manufactured by Waterlow & Sons, 65 to 68 London Wall, London.” Very Fine. Ex Snead III. $1,000.

Robert Alonzo Brock donated an enormous collection of Civil War documents to the Huntingdon Library in San Marino, Ca. comprised of his own private and official correspondences. John Letcher is best known as Virginia’s Civil War-era governor.

Much more information on linked page.

Listed in both Imprints-2 and Miscellaneous-2

17925 001 17925

CSA 12-ADc, 10¢ bluish green (small faults) tied RICHMOND / VA. // DEC / 26 cds on cover addressed by Governor John Letcher to Mr. J. D. Davidson, Lexington, Rockbridge [County] Va. with State of Virginia, Executive Department imprint (S-VA-01, CV $500) at lower left of envelope which is addressed upside down thus placed it at upper right, embossing under top back flap “Manufactured by Waterlow & Sons, 65 to 68 London Wall, London.” On verso is a note by Letcher, “If you want to send me a telegram write to N. K. Fant, Mayor of S. ? to Despatch to you & I will get it. Letcher.” Ex Whittle. $350.

John Letcher is best known as Virginia’s Civil War-era governor.

Much more information on linked page.

Listed in both Imprints-2 and Miscellaneous-2

17926 001 17926

CSA 11-ADc, 10¢ bluish green (huge margins to touching at left) tied RICHMOND / VA. // SEP / 17 cds on cover to James W. Cooke, Esq., Yorkville, South Carolina, with State of Virginia, Executive Department imprint (S-VA-01, CV $500) at lower left of envelope, embossing under top back flap “Manufactured by Waterlow & Sons, 65 to 68 London Wall, London.” $300.

17930 001 17930

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue (large to huge margins all around) tied RICHMOND / VA. // MAR / 27 [1864] cds on all-over illuminated envelope State of Virginia. with Virginia Seal / Office of the Board of Public Works, (S.-VA-09, CV $750) to J. McCauley Esq., Supt, Salem, Roanoke Co[unty] Va. with pencil docketing “T. H. Dewitt Mar. 26th 1864.” $700.

17931 001 17931

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue (4 huge to ample margins) tied RICHMOND / VA. cds on cover with State of Virginia, Executive Department imprint (S-VA-01, CV $500) at lower left of envelope, embossing under top back flap “Manufactured by Waterlow & Sons, 65 to 68 London Wall, London.” to George W. Sites, Esqr., General Hospital No. 3, Lynchburg, Va. $250.

George Walter Sites served in Company D, NC 21st Infantry at Salem NC. and was appointed secretary to chief medical officer of Army of Northern Virginia.

Much more information on linked page.

9241 9241

Richmond / Va. // AUG / 6 / 1861 cds with matching handstamped PAID 5 Cts on State of Virginia Office of the Second Auditor Executive Department imprint, addressed to Wm. Kent Esq., Lynchburg, Virginia. Reduced at top with tiny restored upper left corner. $450.

18073 001 18073

CSA 11, 10¢ blue (4 margins, tiniest faults) tied AUGUSTA / Ga. // SEP CDS on all-over illustrated gray State of Tennessee Executive Department / Agriculture / Commerce / Nashville (CSA Catalog type S-TN-01) addressed to “Mrs. Albert Smith, Macon Ga Care Lt Col. Alb’t Smith Chief Pay Dept;” although there are numerous by the name of Albert Smith in the records, the most logical is Albert W. Smith of Co. A, 25th Georgia Infantry who was hospitalized 9-29-63 in Floyd House Hospital, Macon, Georgia; top back flap missing otherwise Very Fine Gem. $550.

18098 001 18098

US 26, 3¢ red star-die entire with H. St. George Offutt signature on Post Office Department, Official Business, Chief of the Contract Bureau (CON-02c) to the postmaster of Leavenworth, S.C., manuscript "Wm. Young Appointment" at top, FREE handstamp, Richmond cds, Very Fine. $280.

18275 001 18275

CSA 7-L, 5¢ blue, two pairs (lower left the FILLED IN FRAME variety) tied double strike of RALEIGH / N.C. // JAN / 15 (?) double-circle cds on legal cover to Confederate Congressman J. G. Ramsay, Richmond, Virginia, with scarce imprint of State of North Carolina, Executive Department (CC type S-NC-01, CV $500) shown in CSA Catalog in black and white, indicating editors had not seen one in recent years. Most of top back flap missing, fold at left for regular-sized cover display. $230.

James Graham Ramsay biographical information on linked page.

18387 001 18387

Office Assistant Quartermaster, Official Business, large imprint (CSA Catalog # WD-QM-11, CCV $400) on hand-carried cover to [Congressman William W.] Clark at the House of Representatives, Richmond, Va., with ms. directive "Mr. Welsh please deliver to Mr. Clark," believed to be the ONLY KNOWN IMPRINT OF THIS TYPE. Small edge faults. Ex James Snead with photocopy of his Nov-Dec. 1973 article in the Confederate Philatelist which announced this as a newly discovered and unique imprint, 1972 CSA certificate 0351, $350.

William W. Clark of Georgia and Israel Welsh of Mississippi were members of the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads: More information on linked page.

18440 001 18440

Paid” in manuscript and “Chg Box 64” with no postmark on fresh Georgia cover with imprint of Q. M. Dpt./ Official Business (CSA Catalog WD-QM-20, CV $400). LISTING COPY, POSSIBLY UNIQUE. $300.

John S. Dobbins (1800- 1886) was a staunch Unionist until Georgia seceded, at which point he became a devoted Confederate. His son, William, a student at Emory and Henry College, volunteered as a private in Co. C, Phillips Legion, Georgia Volunteers. Much more information on the linked page.

18442 001 18442

CSA 11c, 10¢ bluish green (small vermin nibble at bottom) tied neat ATLANTA / Ga. cds on cover with state imprint of Head-Quarters / Georgia State Guard (CSA Catalog S-GA-18, CV $400). Addressed to Capt. John A. Cobb, Macon, Georgia. $250.

John Addison Cobb (1838-1925) was a son Howell Cobb (1815-1868) who served as president of the Confederate Provisional Congress (1861-62) and served as a major general of the Confederate army; his personal history is well-known and illustrious. John service as Aide-de-Camp to his father and was Acting Adjutant General.

18443 001 18443

FREE----Official Business, CSA Post Office Department, Auditor’s Office (CSA Catalog AUD-02a, CV $500) signed by B[oling] Baker, to PM (postmaster) Mount Tabor, Union Dist[rict] S.C., missing top back flap and bit of edge wear. $250.

18457 001 18457

CSA 1, 5¢ green vertical pair (small faults and gum soaked) tied neat ATHENS / TEN // AUG / 6 / 1862 double circle datestamp on gray illuminated State of Tennessee Executive Department / Agriculture, Nashville (CSA Catalog STN-01, CV $750) imprinted state semi-official cover to E. W. Headrick Esq., Greenville, Tenn. $350.

18195 001 18195

Hand-delivered semi-official imprinted cover Confederate States of America, Quartermaster’s Department / Official Business. (CSA Catalog type WD-QM-07, CCV $400.) to Mrs. J. A. Hill, Albany [Georgia] with manuscript directive at lower left Mr. J. Danforth, send this up to my house. J.A. Hill. Van Dyk MacBride note on back indicates original letter on QM letterhead is enclose--unfortunately, it is not. $70.

James A. Hill enlisted 4-28-1861 as a private in Company E, Georgia 4th Infantry and was discharged for promotion on 6-6-62 at which time he was commissioned into Field & Staff Georgia 2nd Cavalry where he served as Assistant Quartermaster.

13712a 13712a

Confederate States of America / Post Office Department, / Official Business. / Postmaster General. imprint (CSA Catalog type PMG-01, CV $2,500 used with PMG Reagan’s signature). There is a note in the catalog that “Imprinted envelopes without signature but hand addressed by John H. Reagan are known.” This is such an example. Stamps missing but a trace of Richmond cancel at top. Addressed to Hon. Wm. T. Avery, Athens, Georgia. Edge faults include sealed tear through imprint, water stain at right. RARE PERSONAL USE BY CONFEDERATE POSTMASTER GENERAL JOHN H. REAGAN.  $450.

William Tecumseh Avery was an American politician in the U.S. House of Representatives representing Tennessee 1857-1861. He served as a Lt. Col. in Field & Staff in the Confederate States 4th Infantry, also called 39th (Avery’s) Tennessee Infantry Regiment.

Listed in Miscellaneous-2 and Official, Semi-Official & State Imprints, Section 3

18199 001 18199

Head-Quarters Conscript Service, State of Georgia. / OFFICIAL BUSINESS. (second line crossed out) on UNLISTED STATE SEMI-OFFICIAL imprinted legal cover (9” x 4”) marked Private and addressed to Major Genl Howell Cobb, Commanding, Macon, Ga. Lightly struck blue SOUTHERN EXPRESS Co. / AUGUSTA, Ga. (CSA Catalog type E, CCV $2,500) double-circle handstamp at right and light penciled Per Express at lower left. Date undiscernible, red wax seal on back flaps, edge damage at upper left and light water staining. A historic cover. $950. 

Southern Express Company History: on the linked page


CSA 11, 10¢ blue (3 margins) tied RICHMOND / VA. // JUN cds on oatmeal cover to A. L. Shoemaker, Esq. Estilville (sic), Scott Co., Va. At top in manuscript is Treasury Department, Second Auditor’s Office, Official Business. A nice adversity semi-official use. $250. More information on linked page. Listed in both CSA 11, Section 3, and Imprints, Section 2.

18882 18882

JOSIAH GORGAS: Two Gorgas items. 1) Manuscript Letter Signed on CSA War Department, Ordnance Office, Richmond, August 2nd 1861 dated imprinted letterhead to Gen’l Ira R. Foster, Quartermaster Gen’l State of Geo[rgia] Atlanta. Richmond, Va., July 21, 1861. (7.5” x 10”) in which Gorgas requests a lot of artillery haversacks, cap pouches and port-fin cases to be made for his troops. Letter, in the hand of a clerk, is signed “J. Gorgas” as Major & Chief of Ord[nance]. In 1864, he was promoted to Brigadier General. 2) Southern Telegraph Companies telegram (4 ¼” x 8”) dated Richmond, Va., December 26, 1864, from Brig. Genl. J. Gorgas to Gen. G. T. Beauregard in which he requests ammunition be supplied Wilmington until he can replace same. Both Gorgas items came from the collection of the late Judge Harry J. Lemley. A wonderful and scarce Gorgas duo. $1,200.

Josiah Gorgas was Jefferson Davis's Chief of Ordnance. Detailed information on linked page as well as front/back images of the telegram. Listed in both Miscellaneous-1 and Imprints, Section 2 LL

18927 18927

CSA 12, 10¢ blue (4 margins) tied WINCHESTER / Va. // SEP / 6 [1864] CDS on CAPTURED (U.S.) OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE, FOURTH DISTRICT OF MARYLAND imprinted cover to Mrs. Lizzie Ott, Woodstock, Shenandoah County, Va. Very rare Confederate use of captured Union government Official Business cover; unrelated ledger use on face of cover, top back flap missing and tiny tear at top. $550.

Private James Edwin Ott served in Company B, 23rd Virginia Cavalry. Much more information on linked page.

20090 20090

Confederate States of America, Department of State. Imprinted cover (DS-02, CCV $750 for imprint,) with red wax seal of the Department of State on back flapHand-carried to Edwin de Leon, Esq., Paris, Care of Dr. Girard.Large opening tear across top. Rare use. $350. Listed in both Miscellaneous-2 and Imprints-2

Edwin de Leon biography on linked page.


Unused semi-official imprint envelope Confederate States of America, War Department, Engineer Bureau. in lower lefthand corner of a blue commercially made laid-paper envelope with the signature of Jas. E. Crane at the right end, 5 3/8” x 3 1/8,” Extremely Fine. $100.


CSA 11, 10¢ blue with large margins all around, tied blue RALEIGH / N.C. // JUL / 24 double circle cancel with matching second strike at right on private use of Adjutant General’s Office / Raleigh, N.C. imprinted state semi-official cover to Col. A. A. Harbin, Mocksville NC; CSA Catalog type S-NC-14 with CSACV of $400; sealed flap tears.  Col. A. A. Harbin served in the 77th Regt. N.C. Militia (Senior Reserves of men between the ages of 45-50 who rendered good service, a portion being under fire)  $450.


CSA 11c, 10¢ bluish green tied RICHMOND  VA  DEC 10 [1863] on cover to Lt. Wm. K. McKnight, Co. E, 17th Va. Regt., near Ivor Station, P & N. R.R. (Petersburg and Norfolk Railroad) with excellent original letter on CSA War Department / Ordnance Department letterhead date Richmond December 8th, 1863 from Charles to his brother regarding transferring Confederate Personnel to England and saying, in part, “...Col. Rhett has gone to England...The pants you sent... were too small...I carried them down to Mr. Ateller, who superintends the cutting of uniforms and revisions, and he gave me in place of them a larger pair of much finer goods, which he said was the only pair of that kind he had in the house...Everything has become so quiet...I would like it if you could come up and spend Christmas, but I am afraid that eggnog will not flow very freely...Congress meets next Mon., and all eyes are turned towards them in hope something may be done for the the rate is now 22 [Confederate dollars] for one [Greenback]....” Containing valuable information on location of the 17th Va. during the winter of 1863-64; after Gettysburg, the 17th had retreated to the Culpeper area. Clues in this letter seem to answer the question of whether the unit had accompanied Lee or Pickett. Mentions Hunton’s Brigade; Gen. Eppa Hunton was present at the May 1861 Virginia secession convention; he held the unpopular but prophetic view that secession would avoid war – by leading to a negotiated settlement in which Northern money would be tapped to industrialize the South. The writer’s mention of trading trousers reflects the growing shortage of clothing in the Confederacy; indeed, some Confederate soldiers marched to Gettysburg barefoot. The epic battle might have unfolded rather differently if troops had not detoured, to loot a Pennsylvania shoe factory. Neatly penned in a watery light brown, but bold and legible. Full transcript, other info’ and military records included. $850. 

Charles Henry McKnight and William Presley McKnight bios on linked page.


Hand-carried semi-official military imprint Head Quarters, Army of the Potomac, C.S.A. (CC type WD-ZD-05). Addressed to Capt. Joseph Lovell, Headquarters General Clark Manassas junction (Va), doubtless carried by military courier. The address is in the hand of Maj. Gen. Gustavus W Smith, who at the time commanded the Second Corps. The addressee was the son of Gen. Mansfield Lovell and served as a VADC (1861) on the staff of Brig. Gen. Charles Clark, who commanded a brigade in the Second Corps. Gen. Clark would later be elected as the Confederate governor of Mississippi 1864 -1865. Cover has sealed tears at top center with some involvement of the imprint. Still a clean and presentable appearance. The Confederate Army of the Potomac designation was in use for less than a year becoming the army of Northern Virginia in mid 1862. Ex John Vagnetti. $200.


Hand-carried linen-lined “money letter,” imprinted envelope Confederate States of America, Treasury Department. (TD-05), to Col. Charles Douglas, Leesburg, Loudoun Co[unty] Va., with contents docketing across left end indicating contents were “two registered Confederate Bonds dated Feb 26/62” from “Dr. Albert W. Gray by hand of Isaac Hacoln Esq.” Very Fine.  Ex John Vagnetti. $200.


CSA 6, 5¢ light blue with partial RICHMOND VA. postmark “tied” together with faulty CSA 7-R, 5¢ dark blue which has been added to replace stamp that fell off, used on CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, GENERAL POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT AUDITOR’S OFFICE officially imprinted envelope (CC type AUD-06), used unofficially and addressed by POD Chief Clerk of the Third Auditor’s Office Aaron Moïse who addressed this cover to Lt. Garnett McMillan Co K 24th Ga. Regt Care Col. R(obert) McMillan Comdg Cobb’s Brigade near Fredericksburg, Va. See my article on Moïse and McMillan written for ASDA May 2010 issue. Moïse was a lawyer and editor from a prominent Jewish family. Sealed tear at lower left, right side flap missing and edge faults across the top. Scarce imprint only shown in black and white in the CSA Catalog. $125.   


US U27, 3¢ star-die with FREE straightline with RICHMOND VA. DEC 6 CDS (Powell type 6p) on Confederate States of America, Post Office Department, Official Business, Chief of the Finance Bureau (FIN-04a) with A. Dimitry signature, to The Postmaster at Fredericksburg Spottsylvania (sic) Co. Va., Very Fine, Ex Arnold Rosenberg and John Vagnetti. $450.


CSA 11-KB, 10¢ blue (4 ample to large margins) tied RICHMOND VA. circular datestamp on cover to Miss Mary C. Shields, Marshall County, Mississippi, with handwritten “War Department Official Business” at upper right, which seems unusual to a woman. Docketing up left side that I can’t quite make out; cover edge wear. $250.


FREE Official Business Confederate POD Auditor’s Office imprinted commercial envelope, CSA Catalog type AUD-03b signed by Boling Baker, Auditor; addressed to R.T. Thom, Esq, P.M. Fredericksburg, Va., used with RICHMOND Va. SEP 9 1863 CDS, Lovely use. Reuben Triplett Thom (1782-1868) was the creator of the Fredericksburg provisional stamps. $500.


FREE straightline with RICHMOND, VA., JUN 17, 1863, cds on Confederate States of America, Post Office Department, Official Business, Chief of the [Co]ntract Bureau imprint (CON-06c variety NOT LISTED in CSA catalog on 3¢ envelope) with “CO” of Contract omitted, on US U27, 3¢ star-die, H. St. Geo. Offutt signature, to William B. Stubb, Contractor, Oak Shade, Culpeper Co Va., part of top back flap missing. Ex John Vagnetti. $450.


RICHMOND Va. SEP 21 1861 CDS with matching straightline FREE on official cover Confederate States of America, Post Office Department, Official Business, Chief of the Finance Bureau, CSA catalog imprint FIN-06d on official orange cover with signature of Acting Bureau Chief J.S. Lancaster, addressed to the Postmaster at Locust Mount, Washington Co., Tenn. Extremely Fine and scarce. CCV $450.     


RICHMOND Va. JUL 9 1861 CDS with matching italicized PAID 5 CTS  and scarce additional negative "Chief Clerk Treasury Dept." seal handstamp  on CSA Treasury Department semi-official type 1a, partial back flap and just reduced at right, addressed to Mrs. M.R. Singleton, Flat Rock No Ca, Very Fine. Ex Muldrow.  $500.


CSA 3, 2¢ green, Left Top Knot variety, position 31R, two huge margins, right side ample and barely touched at top right, tied by bold RICHMOND VA. MAR 16 (1863) circular datestamp on linen-lined blue envelope (usually used for money letters) with manuscript "Treasy. Dept. C.S., 2nd Auditors Office, Official" endorsement, addressed to Maj. William Leigh, Richmond, Virginia. Lovely drop-rate use with left top knot variety and a Treasury Department official endorsement. Ex Brugh, Birkinbine, and Hill. With 1979 PF certificate. SCV $3,500 as an ordinary stamp on an ordinary cover which this is anything but. $4,500. Listed in both CSA 3 covers and Official & Semi-Officials, Section 1.

New 01-30-25

CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair (4 margins) tied by RALEIGH N.C. FEB 10 double-circle datestamp on cover with "OFFICIAL BUSINESS, C.S. Depository, Raleigh, N.C." Treasury Department imprint to Judge Thos. Ruffin, Graham, Alamance Co. No.Ca. The "Official Business" and "C.S. Depository" are crossed out, indicating private use, Fresh, Extremely Fine. IMPRINT UNLISTED IN CSA CATALOG. $500. 

Thomas Ruffin brief bio on linked page.


New 03-07-25

CSA 11, 10¢ blue (4 margins) just by bold clear GEORGETOWN S.C. JUL 23 cds plus ms. X over Headquarters, Camp Ordnance Section, Columbia S.C., Official Business. Imprint type WD-CN-20 on privately used semi-official envelope addressed to Mrs. Emma E. Spears, Bennettsville So Ca. back flap tears, Very Fine, Ex Wishnietsky and Murphy.  $400.

New 03-07-25

FREE straightline with RICHMOND VA JUN 17 1863 CDS on Confederate States of America, Post Office Department, Official Business, Chief of the (Con)tract Bureau imprint. CON-06c variety NOT LISTED in CSA Catalog with “CO” of Contract omitted on US U27 3¢ star-die entire. H. St. Geo. Offutt signature. Addressed to William B. Stubb, Contractor, Oak Shade, Culpeper Co Va, part of top back flap missing, Ex John Vagnetti. $450.
