Items for Sale - CSA 7, 5¢ Local Typograph on Cover - Section One

Printer: Archer & Daly. CSA 7-L was printed on London paper; CSA 7-R was printed on scarcer Richmond paper.

6006 6006

CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair tied MARIETTA / GA cds, small surface scrapes, on adversity cover to Richmond made from Post Office form making repeated mention of postage stamps and postal envelopes  $400.

7334 7334

CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair tied neat blue COLUMBIA / S.C. // MAR / 9 cds on exceptionally nice turned cover to “Mr. Jas McPhutus, Raleigh, N Ca”; inside is an exceptionally nice CHARLESTON / S.C. / SEP 3 / 1861 handstamped PAID 10 addressed to “Mr. Jno P. Brown, Liberty, Virginia”, Extremely Fine, ex Cantey. Could easily be opened to show other side.  $450.

8377 8377

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue high-surfactantpair used with manuscript cancel of Loving Creek Va Novr 5 on homemade cover to Miss Elcie Y. Organ, Pigeon Run, Campbell Co Va, Fine obscure small town. $200.

High-surfactant stamps comprise only 11% of CSA 7 stamps tested by Dr. Harry Brittain with FTIR. Much more information on the linked page.

8401 8401

CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair (small faults) with filled in frames at top and right  indicating upper right position on the sheet, tied LYNCHBURG / Va. // AUG / 2 cds on inside use of turned cover addressed to Staunton, Va; outside use is FAYETTEVILLE / N.C. // JUL / 30 double circle with matching handstamped PAID 10 addressed to James McGorman, Rose Cottage, Lynchburg, Va,, Nice turned use $350.

8853 8853

CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair tied neat OXFORD / N.C. // APR / 11 cds on neat cover addressed to “Maj. T. Brown Venable, Care of Gen. Whiting, Wilmington, N.C.”  Military records of Thomas Brown Venable and Maj. Gen. William Henry Chase Whiting included. $400.

19690 19690

CSA 7-R variety, 5¢ blue on local paper with SCRATCHED PLATE (position UL31, recently listed as a constant variety in Scott, not listed in the CSA Catalog but doubtless will be in future editions), vertical crease on right stamp (not on the variety), 4 margins, tied boldly struck GREENSBOROUGH / ALA // MAY / 20 cds on cover to Mrs. Willis Bocock, Taylor’s Station, near Macon, Marengo Co(unty), Ala.; slight edge nick at bottom of cover, RARE on-cover use of this scarce variety, CLOSE-UP OF STAMPS, ex Doug Baker. $400.

Willis Perry Bocock bio on linked page.

19732 19732

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (faulty) on local paper tied double strike of JACKSON (Mississippi) STRAIGHTLINE cancel (type SL-07, CV $1,000) on pale green cover, reduced at left and light ink stains, addressed to James Allen, Goodman Station, Holmes County, Miss. The large Jackson SL used from late May 1863 to July 1863 (EKU May 29, 1863). Ex Doug Baker. $280.

19734 19734

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue bottom sheet margin pair on local paper (roughly separated at bottom and small scrape at top) tied nicely struck JACKSON (Mississippi) STRAIGHTLINE cancel (type SL-07A early state with ball on J intact, CV $1,500) on cover with faded address to Mrs. W.H. Carter, Walnut Cove, N.C., written up in both the Confederate Philatelist and North Carolina Postal Historian by Tony L. Crumbley, bit reduced at right, Ex Bush, Fisher and Baker. Large Jackson SL used from late May 1863 to July 1863 (EKU May 29, 1863) $600.

19735 19735

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair on local paper (4 margins) tied bold JACKSON (Mississippi) STRAIGHTLINE cancel (type SL-07A early state with ball on J intact, CV $1,500) on pale green cover to Mrs. Nancy C. Biss, Coffeeville, Clark County, Alabama. Cover professionally cleaned and shallow edge repair along right side which does not affect stamps, 2016 CSA certificate. Large Jackson SL used from late May 1863 to July 1863 (EKU May 29, 1863) $800.

5115 5115

CSA 7, pair of 4-margin 5¢ blue tied green CHESTER C.H.  S.C. cds on fresh cover to Charleston, SC, Very Fine. $250.

20601 20601

CSA 7-R pair, 5¢ blue tied neat ANDERSON Tex MAY 9 CDS on cover to Mr. W. H. Neblett, Capt. Stephenson’s Co. (I) Col Elmore’s Regt Galveston Texas. Ex Ralph Swap. $225. 

William H. Neblett sserved in Company I, Texas 20th infantry and Company A, Tennessee 49th infantry. Brief bio on linked page.

20604 20604

CSA 7-R SINGLE, 5¢ dark blue tied RICHMOND VA APR 7 (1863) on commercially-made cover to Henry J. Haynesworth, Petersburg, Va. On July 1, 1862, postal rates increased to a universal 10¢ regardless of distance. The vast majority of covers are franked with pairs. This scarce cover is UNDERPAID by 5¢. Ex Ralph Swap. $400.


CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (crease and sealed tear) tied with Greenwood (Depot, Virginia) Aug 5th (1863) manuscript small-town postmark (Albemarle County) on clean cover to Philip St. Geo. Ambler, Esq. Cool Well P.O. Amherst Co(unty) Va. Contemporaneous docketing “Charles G. Ambler” as the likely sender and dating it to 1863. Today, there are roughly 550 residents in Greenwood. Scarce small-town postmark. Ex Harrison. $225.


CSA 7-R, 5¢ dark blue vertical pair with trace of BRASS RULE (listed variety in CSA Catalog and Scott) at top right, pen canceled stamps with scarce small-town manuscript postmark of MRS Va Jun 5 (Madison Run Station – Orange County) on cover to Lucy E. Newton, Athens, Georgia, Ex Robert H. Miller. Ex Harrison. $200.


CSA 8, 2¢ brown red (small faults) tied CHARLOTTESVILLE VA October 3 circular datestamp drop use on fresh TURNED COVER locally addressed to George Carr Esq. Charlottesville, Va. Inside use CSA 7, 2 singles of 5¢ dark blue pen canceled with manuscript “Junction Va Mar 26th/63” to Mrs. Wm. T. Early, Charlottesville, Va. Ex Engstler Charlottesville collection and Ex John Vagnetti. Listed both in CSA 8 Covers and CSA 7, Section 1. $700.

George Carr was a prominent Charlottesville attorney. Short bio on linked page.


CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair tied CONWAYBOROUGH SC MAR 20 (1863) circular BALLOON datestamp on short FOLDED LETTER to Messrs Coffin & Pringle, Charleston, S.C.  from P.C.J. Weston headed March 8, 1863, requesting that they secure five thousand dollars to invest in Confederate stock (a bad idea, in hindsight…). Light file fold through stamps. Click to see letter Ex Harrison. $230.


CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair pen canceled with scarce small-town manuscript postmark of Arnoldton Va Jan 12, 1863 (Campbell County) on LONG INTERESTING 4-PAGE SOLDIER TO SOLDIER LETTER to Joel W. Haden (perhaps Hayden), 4th Reg. Va. Heavy Artillery, Richmond, Va. Care Capt. A. Jorden. Click to see page 1 // Click to see page 2 // Click to see page 3 // Click to see page 4. The edges of the letter pages are digitally clipped in places. It is NOT that way on the actual letter. Ex Harrison. $250.


CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair used with pen cancels on neat cover with COBHAM Va. cds (ms. Sep2 [1862] date) addressed to “Mrs.A. L. Rives, Care of Captain Alfred L. Rives, Engineer Office, War Department, Richmond, Virginia.” Light pencil docketing “Mama 1 Sept 1862” up left edge. Ex Thayer, Thacker and John Vagnetti. $200.

Alfred Landon Rives bio on linked page.


CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair canceled with grid cancels and matching CHAPEL HILL N.C. JUL 4 CDS on TURNED COVER to “Mrs. Mary Curtis, Hillsboro, N.C.”; inside use franked with another pair 5¢ blue tied with indistinct blue cancel and addressed to “Miss E.A. DeRosset Care of Rev. Dr. Curtis, Hillsboro, N.C.” This is correspondence between sisters. Mary DeRosset Curtis was married to Episcopal priest Rev. Moses Ashley Curtis who was a preeminent mycologist renowned among botanists even today.  $200.


CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair, tied by GREENVILLE C.H. S.C. Dec. 24 circular datestamp on small blue turned cover to Major Hutson Lee, Charleston; inside franked with CSA 11c,10¢ greenish blue (4 margins), this is the initial use and is tied by CHARLESTON S.C. DEC 7 circular datestamp addressed to Mrs. Hutson Lee, Greenville C.H., S.C., right 5¢ stamp light crease, 10¢ stamp small corner crease, still fresh and Very Fine. $500.

Major Hutson Lee brief bio on linked page.


CSA 7, 5¢ blue pair tied GUINEYS VA MAR circular datestamp on cover to Miss Rosa I. Glen, 440 King Street, Charleston, So Ca, “Care Penny Post.” CSA Catalog type CS-01, CV $3,500. Listed in both Miscellaneous, section 2, and CSA 7, section 1 covers. $2,000.


CSA 7, 5¢ blue vertical pair tied by blue HILLSBORO N.C. DEC 13 1862 CDS on FORWARDED COVER to Genl P. F. Patterson, Wilkesboro Wilkes Co No Ca., manuscript "Forwarded" and "Due 10" with WILKESBOROUGH, N.C. Dec 19 BALLOON POSTMARK for forwarding; cover with partial back flap, Very Fine. $400.    


CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (faulty) tied RICHMOND Va. AUG 26 1862 CDS (type 3f) on attractive adversity cover to G. M. Barkley Williamston PO Anderson District (SC); on verso is soldier’s endorsement of “J. B. Barkley Richmond Va Co. A Marshal Ridgment in cur of Capt J. B. Moore first Ridgment of Rifles (ghastly spelling).” Ex Muldrow. $150.


CSA 7-R-v3, 5¢ blue enormous top left corner sheet margin single, variety with Filled-in Frames on top and left, close but clear at bottom, tied by RICHMOND VA. FEB. 8 (1863) circular datestamp on overpaid drop-rate cover to Hon. R.W. Johnson, Senate Chamber Richmond Va., back flap removed. Pencil docketing at left indicating W.D. Scoggin & N.T. Shear, possibly senders or subject of the letter (not enclosed). An extraordinary stamp and a scarce use. $750. 

Robert Ward Johnson bio on linked page.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-L, 5¢ light blue pair tied RICHMOND VA. FEB 8 (1865) Powell type 6p which was used from August 1864 to January 1865 and April 1, 1865, making it A LATE USE OF THESE STAMPS. Used on cover to John J. Chadick Charlotte North Carolina In care of V.Q Johnson AQM (Assistant Quartermaster). Ex Harry Muldrow. $150.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue – two different shade singles tied RICHMOND VA. MAY 30 (1864) Powell type 6m which was used from February-September 1864, used on cover to C.M. Phillips, Boydton, Mecklenburg Co., Va. Ex Harry Muldrow. $120.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair tied RICHMOND VA. MAR 30 (1864) Powell type 6m which was used from February-September 1864, used on cover to J. M. McVeigh, Lynchburg, Virga. Ex Harry Muldrow. $120.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ top sheet margin blue pair tied RICHMOND VA. 1863 CDS, Powell type 5d used Aug-Dec 1863, on commercially made envelope to William W. Boyce, Winnsboro, Fairfield Dist(rict) South Carolina. Incoming covers to Winnsboro were usually struck with grid obliterators. Signed by Van Dyk MacBride, Ex Harry Muldrow. $150.

William Waters Boyce bio on linked page.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue, 2 singles (small faults) tied RICHMOND VA. DEC 24 (1863) CDS, Powell type 6L used Nov. 1863 to Sept. 1864, on commercially made envelope to Mrs. Mary Boyce, Winnsboro, South Carolina. Most incoming covers to Winnsboro were struck with grid obliterators, although this one is not. Although minor hostilities continued in various theaters, most armies were settled into winter quarters to await Christmas Day. Ex Harry Muldrow. $150.

Mary Elizabeth Pearson Boyces and  William Waters Boyce bios on linked page.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue, 2 singles of different shades (small faults) tied RICHMOND VA. DEC 12 (1863) CDS, Powell type 6L used Nov. 1863 to Sept. 1864, on commercially made envelope to Miss Virginia L. Knox, Care of Mr. Thomas F. Knox, Fredericksburg, Va. Cover with bit of edge erosion at left bottom and slightly reduced at left. STAMP AT RIGHT APPEARS TO BE PREVIOUSLY USED, THUS AN ADVERSITY COVER. Re-use of stamps is not solely a modern day problem. Ex Harry Muldrow. $150.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (in at UL) tied RICHMOND VA. 1863 CDS, Powell type 6d used Aug-Dec 1863, on commercially made envelope to William W. Boyce, Winnsboro, Fairfield District South Carolina. Incoming covers to Winnsboro were usually struck with grid obliterators. Ex Harry Muldrow. $110.

William Waters Boyce bio on linked page


New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (tiny faults) tied RICHMOND VA. MAY 9 1863 CDS, Powell type 5a, used on May-July 1863. The pale green cover is addressed to M.H. Cook, New Market Dist G.& C.R.R. Abb(eville) District South Carolina with interesting manuscript directive at lower left: “P.M. pleas (sic) forward by the Mill Way Carrier in double quick if you please.” A nice unusual addition to any CSA collection. Ex William A. Fox and Harry Muldrow. $200.

The “Millway Carrier” explanation on the linked page

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair tied RICHMOND VA. MAY 3 1863 CDS, Powell type 6c, used on fresh commercially made envelope to Miss Bettie Wynne Hollow Square Green County Ala. A few minor flap tears. Ex Harry Muldrow. $120.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair tied RICHMOND VA. APRIL 1863 CDS, Powell type 6c, used on cover to Mrs. Balsorah J. Riley, Westville Miss with endorsement of Private Riley Co. B 16 Miss Regt at lower left. Nice calligraphy penned address and endorsement. Slight piece missing at left top edge and top back flap missing otherwise Very Fine. Ex Harry Muldrow. $225.

Westville, Simpson County, Mississippi, is now considered a ghost town. It was the county seat in 1824 and served to 1900. It was incorporated in 1836. Riley was part of the Westville Guards, otherwise known as Company B, 16th Mississippi Regiment. It was a portion of Brig. Gen Carnot Posey’s Mississippi Brigade, Maj. Gen Richard H. Anderson’s Division, Lt. Gen. James Longstreet’s Corps, Army of Northern Virginia.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue, two singles tied together by a RICHMOND VA. APRIL 27 1863 CDS, Powell type 6d, used on a small ADVERSITY cover fashioned from a printed Confederate States military form to Mrs. Mason, Dixie P.O. Fluvanna Co., Virginia. Ex Harry Muldrow. $150.

New 11-20-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue, two pairs (one vertical top sheet margin, other horizontal) paying DOUBLE RATE, tied RICHMOND VA. MAY 29 1863 CDS, Powell type 4d, on cover to Mrs. Humes Care of Rev. Thoms. W. Humes, Knoxville Tenn. Van Dyk McBride pencil note on verso. Ex Harry Muldrow. $225.

Thomas William Humes bio on linked page

New 12-28-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (4 margins) tied grids with matching bold CHAPEL HILL N.C. JAN 15 circular datestamp on cover to Mrs. C.G. Kennedy, Columbia S.C. Ex Paul Boschung. $110.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-L, 5¢ blue vertical pair tied by indistinct CDS on cover to Miss Mary E. Baine, Care of Mr. G.W. Clopton, Montgomery, Ala. Ex Paul Boschung. $75.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue – two different shades of  local stamps tied by TUSCALOOSA Al. MAY circular datestamp on cover to Miss Rebecca J. O’Neal, Florence, Ala. Ex Conrad Bush and Paul Boschung. $75.


New 12-29-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair tied by TUSCALOOSA Al. MAR 8 circular datestamp on cover to Mrs. A.M. Garber, Livingston Ala.; small stamp and cover faults. Ex Paul Boschung. $65.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair tied MONTGOMERY Ala. APR 15 cds on cover to Prof. E.A. Smith, University of Ala, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Ex Roger Ballard and Paul Boschung. $150.

Captain (Dr.) Eugene Allen Smith and the Alabama Corps of Cadets. Historical info on linked page.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-R (2 singles), 5¢ blue tied PRATTVILLE Ala AUG 5 circular datestamp on fresh cover to Capt. E.A. Smith, Ala. Corps of Cadets, Blue Mountain, Ala.  Ex Roger Ballard and Paul Boschung. $90. 

Captain (Dr.) Eugene Allen Smith and the Alabama Corps of Cadets. Historical info on linked page.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-L, 5¢ blue pair tied by pen cancels and light blurry MONTGOMERY ALA MAY 31 1864 cds on a small legal cover to Hon. Probate Judge, Tuskaloosa, Alaba that originally had a Probate Court certificate enclosed. This, with other legal covers, was the subject of an M. Clinton McGee article in the September 1959 issue of the Confederate Stamp Album (predecessor to theConfederate Philatelist). He related the interesting story of William Forrester and one of his slaves who apparently met their deaths in a common disaster in 1859. Probate dragged on for many years, understandably complicated by the war and a contested will. McGee was certainly the one to tell this story as he was a law professor at the University of Alabama and incorporated the Confederate Stamp Alliance in Alabama. When he wrote this article, the certificate was still enclosed. Somewhere along the line, it was separated from the cover, which is offered alone here; top back flap missing, Ex McGee and Boschung. $160.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-L, 5¢ blue pair tied by pen cancels and light blurry MONTGOMERY ALA MAY 31 1864 cds on a small legal cover to Hon. Probate Judge, Tuskaloosa, Alaba that originally had a Probate Court certificate enclosed. This, with other legal covers, was the subject of an M. Clinton McGee article in the September 1959 issue of the Confederate Stamp Album (predecessor to the Confederate Philatelist). He related the interesting story of William Forrester and one of his slaves who apparently met their deaths in a common disaster in 1859. Probate dragged on for many years, understandably complicated by the war and a contested will. McGee was certainly the one to tell this story as he was a law professor at the University of Alabama and incorporated the Confederate Stamp Alliance in Alabama. When he wrote this article, the certificate was still enclosed. Somewhere along the line, it was separated from the cover, which is offered alone here; top back flap missing, Ex McGee and Boschung. $160.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-R-v8, 5¢ blue pair with bottom of left stamp not printed (this is a listing transient printing variety in the CSA Catalog) tied by a SAVANNAH Ga. Paid MAR 10 (1863) circular date stamp on fresh cover to Louis Manigault Augusta Georgia from Mr. Capers with extensive docketing at upper left. 1987 PF certificate 0173888, Ex Hubert Judd and Paul Boschung. Extremely Fine and choice. $180.

Louis Manigault and Ellison Capers brief bios on linked page.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (small faults) tied by double strike of SELMA ALA SEP 28 circular date stamp on cover to R.D. Marshal Esq., Linden Ala.; slightly reduced at left. Four original inserts, all having to do with the sale of wool. The addressee was likely Robert D. Marshal from Linden, who served in Co. K, Alabama 21st Infantry. Ex Paul Boschung. $110.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-L, 5¢ blue pair (4 nice margins) tied blue PETERSBURG Va. AUG 27 circular datestamp on fresh folded bank letter to Geo. E. Welsh Esqr. Cashier Danville Va. from David Donnan, Cashier, headed Exchange Bank of Va. Office Petersburg 26th August 1862. Ex Paul Boschung. $130.

New 12-29-24

CSA 7-R, 5¢ blue pair (small faults) tied STRAWBERRY PLAINS TENN MAY 3 circular datestamp on cover (roughly opened at right) to Maj. W. B. Modawill (?), McKinley, Alabama. TWO MILITARY LETTERS neatly written in bold ink. One is a “copy” and headed Adjutant & Inspector General’s Office, Richmond April 22 1863 “General Orders No. 48” signed “By Order S. Cooper, Adjutant & Inspector General,” in short, stating that if a soldier tenders his resignation, it shall be accepted. The second letter is addressed to “Dear Buck” headed “Strawberry Plains Tenn May 1st 1863” in which he says he is enclosing the first letter from Col. Moody in reference to his (the writer’s) case. It is signed Saml. E. Chapman; Chapman served in Company B of the Alabama 43rd Infantry as a First Lieutenant. Ex Paul Boschung. $180.
