Kaufmann Search Engine searches individual retail pages only
The search engine is at the top of every single page on the website. It says "Search Retail Inventory" in light gray letters. Type in what you are searching for and click the magnifying glass in the burgundy-colored box.
The Kaufmann retail database is categorized by Scott Catalogue or CSA Catalog number as well as some of the more popular collecting areas such as provisionals, stampless covers, blockade-run, patriotics, and the like.
This is very handy if you collect only lithographed issues or prisoner-of-war covers, for example. It is not nearly as helpful if you collect only a specific town or state. Unfortunately, no categorized stock can be everything to everyone.
This is where a custom search engine comes in!
One or two Word Searches: This is the easiest and most popular way to use the search engine. Just type in your one or two word name or description and see what happens. Some examples of one word searches are:
adversity - Lists all the Adversity Covers currently in the database.
wallpaper - Lists all the Wallpaper Covers currently in the database.
turned - Lists all the Turned Covers currently in the database.
Maury - Lists all the items currently in the database related to/from the "Maury" family.
Lee - Lists all the items currently in the database related to Robert E. Lee or any Lee, for that matter.
navy - Lists all the Navy covers in the database.
letter - Lists covers which have the original enclosures. Using "letters" with the "s" will produce no results.
"overpaid drop" - a single phrase enclosed in quotes is treated as a one word search.
City or Town Search: The easiest way to do a city or town search is simply to enter the one or two word name. This will bring up all items associated with that city or town in either the postmark or the address. Savannah - lists all items referring to Savannah in either the postmark or the address. San Antonio will bring up all listings with San Antonio, etc.
Combination Search: One of the big advantages to a search engine is that detailed searches can be constructed so that you will only look at specific items instead of browsing the entire database.
Play around, experiment and enjoy!
Revised August 15, 2023